Occurrences of this Type (250)
4Suite is a collection of XML processing tools based on the
Python XML-SIG package. It
contains a complete
XSLT implementation, an
XPath implementation, a
DOM implementation (level 1 and
level 2), a persistent DOM
implementation that stores documents in an object database,
an RDF toolkit with persistence
and schema support, an XPointer
implementation an
XLink processor, an
XInclude processor, and an
XUpdate processor. (4Suite)
ARP is an RDF parser (the name is
short for Another RDF Parser) that parses RDF XML documents into
RDF triples. ARP is designed to be used as an RDF parser in
Jena, but can also be used separately. (ARP)
AdvXMLParser is a small and simple to use non-validating
XML parser written in C++, which accepts a subset of the XML
specification. (The DOCTYPE declaration is not accepted.) The
parser builds a tree structure and can be used to generate
XML. (AdvXMLParser)
Amaya is the W3C testbed browser, and is an HTML and XHTML
browser (and editing tool) with CSS support. It supports the
MathML 2.0 XML DTD and can
edit and display presentational MathML graphically; Amaya can
also display some SVG. There is
support for simple XLinks.
Amaya can read HTML documents written in XML, and save HTML
documents as XHTML. (Amaya)
Arabica provides SAX 2.0 support
for a number of C and C++ XML parsers as well as a DOM level 2 implementation on top of the
SAX 2.0 interfaces. (Arabica)
BML is a binary representation of XML (Binary Markup Language),
and also a set of tools for working with BML. The BML tools have
their own event-based and tree-based APIs similar to SAX and the DOM.
BML can also convert back and forth between XML and BML representations
of documents. (BML)
CL-XML is an XML parser written in Common Lisp. The parser is
validating, and contains a DOM
implementation as well as object models representing the infoset
and the XPath data model. It also provides access to DTD
information, and supports XML
namespaces, even in DTDs. The parser also contains an
XPath module which can evaluate
XPath expressions written in XPath or S-expression syntax against
DOM trees. CL-XML also supports XML
Query. (CL-XML)
CLOCC is an open source library of useful Common Lisp modules,
which contains a non-validating XML parser known as xml.lisp.
This parser originally came from the CLLIB library. (xml.lisp)
Castor is a XML data binding framework with support for mapping
both between XML and Java objects and between Java objects and
relational databases. This makes it very suitable for loading XML
into Java applications built on relational databases. Castor uses
Java reflection to figure out how to map Java objects to XML, and
to reverse the process. A mapping file can also be used to
describe the mapping, but it cannot cover all cases. Castor can
make use of an XML Schema to
improve the mapping. (Castor)
CenterPoint/XML is a SAX 2.0 and
DOM 1.0
2.0 implementation built on
top of expat. (CenterPoint/XML)
Cocoon is a XML publishing framework that can be used to publish
XML on the web as HTML. It is designed to be performant and
flexible, using SAX pipelines and XSLT stylesheets. Over the years
Cocoon has grown to become a large and powerful tool with support
for many kinds of formats and data sources. (Cocoon)
Cooktop is an XML editor which shows a plain-text view of the XML
documents being edited. It does syntax colouring of XML documents,
DTDs, and XSLT stylesheets. It can check for well-formedness and
validate documents, pretty-print via Tidy, and test XSLT stylesheets and XPath
expressions inside the editor. (Cooktop)
Cost is an old and well-known programming tool for writing SGML (and now
XML) transformations in tcl. It can use both
SP and
expat as parsers. (Cost)
DB2XML is a tool for generating XML from database queries. It is
a GUI-driven application written in Java, but can also be used as
a servlet and as a command-line application. The XML generated is
configurable, and metadata (types etc) can optionally be included,
dates can be customized and currency representation can be localized.
The generated XML can be processed with an
XSLT stylesheet. DB2XML uses
JAXP to get parsers and XSLT engines. (DB2XML)
DSC is a DSSSL engine built on
James Clark's SP SGML parser. It
implements the DSSSL transformation language, but not the style
language, and also contains a nearly complete Scheme
implementation. DSC also provides very good error messages, making
it useful as a debugging tool. (DSC)
DSD is an XML schema language developed by researchers at AT&T
and the University of Aarhus. The developers claim that it is more
powerful and readable than XML Schemas or DTDs. The DSD Prototype
Processor is a prototype implementation of the DSD schema language,
which can also convert DTDs to DSD schemas. (DSD Processor)
DT4DTD supports schema-compatible datatyping in existing SAX or DOM
implementations. After some modest 'wiring' it makes a set of
routines available to the developer for use in accessing and
validating datatypes such as numbers and dates in element and
attribute information in forms other than simple strings. An
extensible registry of types also permits developers to build
libraries of custom datatypes that can be reused in various
implementations. (DT4DTD)
DTD2RELAX converts a DTD into a RELAX
schema module. The converter has both a command-line and a GUI interface.
It uses XML4J 1.1.16 to parse the DTD.
Output can be produced as SAX events. (DTD2RELAX)
DTDDoc is a Java tool for creating HTML documentation of XML DTDs
based on Javadoc-like documentation embedded in comments in the
DTDInst can convert DTDs into an XML DTD developed especially for
this tool that represents DTDs in XML syntax. DTDInst handles
parameter entities well, and can even detect the semantic intent
behind some parameter entities and convert these into XML elements
representing higher-level semantic constructs. (DTDInst)
DTDParse is a Perl module that can parse a DTD into an in-memory
structure. This structure can then be used in various kinds of
programs that need DTD information. It comes with several scripts
that can produce DTD documentation using this module. (DTDParse)
DTDParser is a Java module for parsing XML DTDs separately from
any XML document. The parser can parse from any kind of stream and
builds an object structure representing the DTD. This structure
can then be accessed to extract information about the DTD and also
be modified. (DTDParser)
Data Descriptors by Example (also known as
DDbE) is a component library that can be used
to automatically generate an XML DTD or XML Schema (Oct 2000 CR) from a set of
document instances. DDbE is customizable, but does not need to be
customized. (Data Descriptors by Example)
Digester is a simple XML data binding framework designed to make
it easy to read data from XML configuration files to Java
objects. It uses a configuration file defining mapping rules
described using patterns that are designed to be implementable on
top of SAX, while looking like XPath. If these patterns are not
sufficient you can plug in the pattern engine of your choice. (Digester)
Emacs is easily one of the most powerful (if not the most
powerful) text editors in the world. It has an internal Lisp
programming language, which means that it can be easily extended,
and as a consequence Emacs has suppot for most programming
languages ever invented, as well as a web browser with CSS support
and a world-class news and mail reader. (PSGML)
Emilé is an XML editor that reads the DTD to provide short-cuts for
the user during editing. Emilé can export documents as HTML. (Emilé)
Engines that support the XSL Transformations specification. (XSLT engines)
Engines that support the XSL formatting objects specification. (XSL engines)
FOA (short for Formatting Objects Authoring tool) is a graphical
XSLT stylesheet editor designed for editing stylesheets that
produce XSL-FO output. When using
FOA you provide it with input XML files that are already written,
and use FOA to create the XSLT stylesheet that will transform the
files into XSL-FO documents. (FOA)
FOP is a Java application that takes an XML document conforming to
the XSL:FO 2000-11-21 Candidate
Recommendation and produces PDF output. It also supports some
parts of SVG. FOP can be used
with any SAX 2.0 parser to produce
PDF from XSL. FOP can be invoked from the command line and read
from a file, or it can be given a DOM document or a SAX
DocumentHandler at run-time. (FOP)
FirstSTEP EXML is a tool that can convert from product data
declarations in the EXPRESS language (part of the
standard for product data) into XML DTDs. STEP data can then be
represented in XML using this DTD. (FirstSTEP EXML)
Flute is a CSS2 parser written in
Java that implements SAC. SAC
is a standard event-based API for CSS parsers, closely modelled on
the SAX API for XML parsers. This parser was earlier incorrectly
listed here under the name SAC. (SAC)
Fxgrep is a command-line tool for querying an XML document.
Queries can be specified either in an XPath-like pattern language
or using a more verbose (but also more powerful) grammar language.
It is based on the fxp parser. (Fxgrep)
Fxt is an XML processing tool that combines XML pattern matching
capabilities with the Standard ML programming language to create a
language for XML processing. Fxt uses Fxp for XML parsing and
Fxgrep for pattern matching. (Fxt)
GNOWSYS is a topic map engine developed using Zope. It is quite
experimental, and does not yet support import from any topic map
syntax. (GNOWSYS)
GPS is a general implementation of the grove data model (from the
HyTime ISO-standard). It implements both groves and property sets,
in two different implementations. One is an in-memory structure,
the other uses the ZODB object database for persistence. (GPS)
Gdome is a DOM 2.0 implementation
currently in development as part of the GNOME project. It is written
to be used with the libxml parser. This
implementation is currently experimental. (Gdome)
GenDoc is an open source XML editor for data-oriented applications
which has a tree-view and a styled view. It has a plugin API that
allows the editing of some elements to be customized for specific
DTDs, and also allows publishing actions to be executed from the
editor. GenDoc is based on the now defunct Merlot project, and was
formerly known as GenDiapo. (GenDiapo)
General software packages for making XML-aware applications of some form. (XML middleware)
Gobo Eiffel is a collection of Eiffel components, among which can
be found the expat XML parser
wrapped into the Eiffel programming language. (Eiffel is an
industrial-strength object-oriented language with many features
beyond what Java and C++ offer.) There is also a tree-building
package on top of the wrapped expat parser. (Gobo Eiffel)
HTML-Kit is an extensible Windows text editor, with special
support for editing XML documents, CSS stylesheets and, through
extensions, also for editing XSLT stylesheets. (HTML-Kit)
HXML is a non-validating XML parser written in Haskell, with
emphasis on space-efficiency through lazy evaluation. It is
intended to be usable as a drop-in replacement for HaXml. It is currently of
alpha quality. (HXML)
HaXml is a collection of libraries for using XML in Haskell. This
includes a non-validating XML parser, an
HTML parser, a library
for transforming XML documents (and generating HTML) and special modules
for building Haskell data structures from XML documents and dumping them
back out as XML. HaXml supports Unicode if the Haskell compiler does. (HaXml)
IBM techexplorer is a plug-in for Netscape and Microsoft Internet
Explorer that can be used to view TeX and MathML documents. It supports all
of MathML 1.01, but is not a general XML browser. (IBM techexplorer)
Is based on the expat parser built into PHP, but uses it to build
a tree representation of XML documents that can be modified and
written back to XML. The tree API is not DOM, but deliberately
designed to be easier to use. (gogoXML)
JDOM is an API for representing the XML document tree structure
similar to the DOM, but much simpler and designed specifically
for Java using the collections API. JDOM structures can be built
from XML files, DOM trees and
SAX events and can be converted
to the same. (JDOM)
JEDI is a general tool for converting various kinds of text files
(plain text, HTML, ...) into a structured form, which can be XML.
It does this using an advanced rule language, and even has features
for following HTML links and filling out forms. It can also be extended
with Java code. (JEDI)
Jade is James Clark's excellent DSSSL
engine, which is really a general SGML tool for conversion from
SGML to other SGML DTDs or to output formats like
RTF and
TeX. Jade can process XML documents and can also output XML. Jade
uses SP to parse the SGML/XML input. (Jade)
Java HTML Tidy is a reimplementation of Tidy in Java. JTidy, as it
is also known, can parse non-conforming HTML documents into a DOM tree and convert them to valid HTML. (Java HTML Tidy)
Java/XML Quick is a tool for mapping between Java object models and
XML documents. Quick has a markup language for describing Java object
models, and from this it can generate serialization and deserialization
code that can move data back and forth between XML and Java objects.
The Java code is generated by Quick, and the XML representation is also
defined by Quick from the object model definition. (Java/XML Quick)
JaxMe is an XML data binding framework based on SAX 2.0, which makes it fast and
memory-efficient. Based on a JaxMe schema (which shares a subset
with W3C XML Schema) JaxMe generates Java classes for working with
the XML data and loading into Java objects, EJB objects, and
storing it in an RDBMS or writing it back out when modified. (JaxMe)
Jaxen is an XPath
implementation written in Java, which can parse XPath expressions,
and evaluate them against XML tree representation. Jaxen currently
supports DOM,
dom4j, EXML, and
JDOM. (Jaxen)
Jena implements an API that represents RDF models, that is, the RDF data
model. With this API you can access RDF data in-memory, change it,
navigate over it, store it in an RDBMS, and so on. Jena uses
ARP to parse RDF documents, and
can also export RDF models back to XML documents. (Jena)
JiBX is an XML data binding framework which simplifies
transferring data between domain-specific object structures and
input XML documents. The binding is specified using a binding
definition document, and JiBX uses a binding compiler to compile
the definitions into Java bytecode for efficiency. JiBX is
designed for high performance. (JiBX)
Jing is a validator that allows XML documents to be validated
against RELAX NG
schemas. Jing is implemented as a SAX
2.0 ContentHandler, and so can be used with any SAX
2.0-compliant parser. (Jing)
LT PyXML is a Python interface to the
LT XML package parser and API,
which provides Python with access to a fast validating parser
and a powerful API. (LT PyXML)
LTXML is a set of tools (including a parser) written in
portable C. Included are: a program to strip out all XML markup,
an XML normalizer (mainly useful for well-formedness checking), an
ESIS outputter, an element occurrence
counter, a tokenizer, a down-translation tool, a grep tool, a
sorting tool, some linking tools as well as some other minor
utilities. The executables are mainly intended to be pipelined to
produce various kinds of output, but provide a C API that can be
used to extend them for other purposes. (LTXML)
Lark was one of the two first XML parsers to appear, written by XML
spec co-author Tim Bray, but was non-validating for a long time. Tim Bray
has now added Larval, a validating parser, to the package. (Lark)
LiveDTD parses XML DTDs and generates HTML files from
the DTDs with cross-links to element and parameter entity
definitions. These HTML files can then be used as documentation,
thanks to the links. (LiveDTD)
MDC-XSL is an XSLT engine written in C++ as part of the Circare
product developed by Minoru Development Corporation. The engine is
open source and supports a subset of the XSLT specification. The engine has both
an API and a command-line interface. (MDC-XSL)
Majix is an RTF-to-XML converter written entirely in Java. It can
handle RTF styles and also lets you
customize it to fit your own XML DTDs. (Majix)
MetaMorphosis is a tree-based XML transformation tool that can be
used to convert between SGML/XML applications, to publishing
formats etc. MetaMorphosis has an architecture where several parsers
and output generators are available (and more can be written in
Visual Basic or C++ and plugged in). (MetaMorphosis)
Non-XML converters (or "N-converters") are designed for converting from non-XML representations (typically word-processing formats) to XML. (General N-converters)
OpenJade is a variant of James Clark's Jade
DSSSL engine that has
been extended and modified by an open source project. (OpenJade)
OpenSP is a variant of James Clark's SP SGML
parser that has been extended and modified by an open
source project. It supports more of
SGML open catalogs, more of
annex K to the standard, is internationalized among other things. (OpenSP)
Ozone is an open source OODBMS written in Java, on top of which
several XML tools have been built, loosely grouped under the name
infozone. Prowler is a persistent
DOM level 1 implementation which
stores its nodes in Ozone. It also supports
XPath. RelDOM supports storing
XML documents persistently in an RDBMS. Lexus is an implementation
of the XML Update language on top of Prowler. Schemox is a tool
for generating input form for XML data. (infozone)
PECEL is an XML data entry tool geared towards data applications
more than document applications. It is tree-based, and uses a
DTD to guide the user during document creation. PECEL also has
a template function for creating document templates. PECEL uses
XML4J for parsing. (PECEL)
PXP is a complete validating XML parser written in Objective Caml,
a functional programming language in the ML family with OO
features. PXP has some advanced features for building customized
XML document trees and also provides access to DTD information.
It supports Unicode and can
read documents in many different encodings. (PXP)
PXSLServlet is a Java servlet that can be used to publish relational
database data as HTML using XSLT
stylesheets. PXSLServlet does caching of control information
(stylesheets, config files etc) and pooling of connections, and so is
relatively efficient. It uses XT for
XSLT transformations. (PXSLServlet)
PassiveTeX is a TeX implementation of the
XSL November 2000 WD and
which reads XML documents containing XSL formatting objects and
MathML elements and uses LaTeX to produce formatted output. This
can be used to produce well-formatted PDF, DVI or PostScript,
and even supports bookmarks in the PDF output. (PassiveTeX)
PatML is a rule-based specification language for transforming XML,
for example to HTML. PatML allows the rules to trigger Java code. The
consists of three Java beans, each suitable for reuse in a larger system. (PatML)
Pathan is an XPath engine built
on top of the Xerces C++ DOM
Parser. Pathan has full support for XPath. (Pathan)
Piccolo is a small high-performance XML parser for Java without
validation, but with support for XML
Namespaces. Piccolo have come out of several tests as
the fastest XML parser tested, despite being created using
automatic parser generators. (Piccolo)
Protégé is a very advanced knowledge-based framework for developing
domain-specific systems. It has been developed and used by the
medical informatics community for years and has lately been
extended with support for RDF. So Protégé does much much more, but
can also be used for generating editors for specific RDF applications.
It understands both RDF and
RDF schemas. (Protégé 2000)
Publishing converters convert XML documents from XML to some publishing format suitable for distribution. (Publishing converters)
PyTREX is an implementation of the
TREX schema language
based on Pyexpat. It can be used to validate XML documents
against TREX schemas. (PyTREX)
Pyana wraps the Xalan-C++
engine as a Python module, making it available to Python programs. (Pyana)
Pyxie is a powerful XML processing library written in Python which
can be used to develop XML processing software which is
event-driven, tree-based or event-driven with tree access. Pyxie
requires the Python XML package. (Pyxie)
QuiP is an implementation of the April 2002 XQuery working draft, which can be used
to query both XML documents on disk as well as XML documents
stored in a database. QuiP has a graphical user interface which is
used to write queries and see the query result. This is the only
interface to QuiP, which is thus mostly useful as a learning tool. (QuiP)
RDF-Parser is an RDF parser that
reads RDF files into an RDF data structure. It supports all of the
RDF model and syntax recommendation except for EachPrefix.
Registration is required for download. (RDF-Parser)
RDFDB is a database that supports the RDF data model directly.
It can load data from files or data can be inserted using the
database API. It also supports an SQL-like query language. (RDFDB)
REXP is an XSL:fo to PDF file converter, based on the source of
FOP 0.9.2. It supports a bit more of XSL
than FOP does. A tiny bit of support for SVG is also there, and
there will probably be more in the future. (REXP)
RTF2XML (formerly known as RTF2SGML) reads
RTF files and converts them
to an XML document corresponding to an XML DTD that comes with RTF2XML.
RTF2XML supports Unicode RTF. RTF2XML is written in OmniMark and so
requires OmniMark to run. (RTF2XML)
RXP is a thread-safe validating parser written in C. It is
distributed as
C source and must be compiled before use. It supports
Unicode and
XML namespaces
and comes with a command-line application that prints out the parsed
document. It provides a non-DOM tree interface to the parsed document.
RXP is also available as part of the LTXML
package. RXP also supports the ISO 8859-1 to ISO 8859-9 character
encodings. (RXP)
Raptor is an RDF parser written
in C, designed to be used from the Redland RDF database system,
but can also be used separately. It does not do XML parsing
itself, but can use either expat or libxml to do XML parsing. Raptor is
designed to be fast and robust, but at the moment it is of
beta quality. (Rapier)
Redfoot is a framework for developing RDF-based applications,
consisting of an RDF database
with a query API, an RDF parser
and serializer and a web interface for viewing and editing RDF.
It also intends to support inter-database communications. (Redfoot)
Relaxer is a Java tool that can read a RELAX schema and generates a set of Java
classes that can represent the objects described by the schema in
memory or in an RDBMS. Relaxer uses Xerces as its XML parser, but also
supports SAX 2.0 and supports
XML Namespaces and XBase. (Relaxer)
Rhythmyx XSpLit claims to be able to automatically generate an XML
DTD and an XSLT stylesheet from
a sample HTML document. The XSLT stylesheet can then be combined
with XML documents that conform to the XML DTD to produce HTML pages
with the same design as the original, but with new content. (Rhythmyx XSpLit)
SAX is a simple event-based API for XML parsers. It is not an official
standard, since it was developed by the participants of the xml-dev
mailing list instead of a standards body. However, SAX is very much a
de facto standard, since it is supported by most XML parsers
and is used by lots of applications (SAX2)
SAXON is a Java framework for processing XML documents
optimized for XML to XML/SGML/HTML conversions. Essentially, it is
an XSLT engine (1.0
recommendation) which can also be used as a Java development
framework. The XSLT implementation is fast, fully conformant and
provides many useful extensions. Through its API Java and XSLT code
can be combined. (SAXON)
SAXPath is an event-based API for XPath parsers, that is, for
parsers which parse XPath
expressions. SAXPath is intended to be for XPath what SAX is for
XML. Note that the SAXPath package only parses XPath expressions;
it does not evaluate them, or even provide an object structure for
representing them once they have been parsed. (SAXPath)
SCEW, Simple C Expat Wrapper, is a tree API to XML documents
built on top of expat. SCEW
lets you modify the trees once built, and also gives you access
to the expat parser underneath to give full flexibility. (SCEW)
SGMLSpm is a Perl script that reads ESIS output (from parsers
like SP) and offers an event-based interface
to the parser. As long as the parser can parse XML this also works
for XML. (SGMLSpm)
SP is an SGML/XML parser, and is fast, complete, highly
conformant and very stable. SP has been the parser of choice for
most of the SGML community for many years and has been embedded in
lots of other applications. SP supports architectural forms as well
as SGML Open catalogs. (SP)
Schematron.NET is a C# implementation of the Schematron schema language instead
of the usual approach, which is to implement the Schematron in
XSLT. Reports indicate that Schematron.NET is substantially
faster than XSLT implementations of Schematron. (Schematron.NET)
SemanText is a topic map engine and editor with inferencing
capabilities that enable it to automatically generate new knowledge
and mine various forms of source data for new information. SemanText
is built on top of tmproc and
provides a graphical user interface. (SemanText)
Simkin is a scripting language that can be embedded in XML
documents to store behaviour in the documents. It is intended to
be used in XML somewhat like JavaScript is used in HTML. There is
a Java interpreter for Simkin as well as a C++ one, allowing
Simkin to be used with both languages. (Simkin)
Skyron simplifies reading XML data into Python objects though a
"recipe" file, which describes the actions to be taken upon
encountering specific pieces of XML data. The recipe files can
have Python code and calls to Python methods interspersed, which
allows Skyron to be used for XML data binding, but also for
creating interpreters for active XML languages. (Skyron)
Software for easily binding XML documents to programming language objects for serialization and deserialization. (Data binding engines)
Software for validating XML documents by other means than DTDs. (XML validators)
SwiX is an XML validator and normalization tool, which can be used to
validate XML documents and also to normalize them. It can also parse
and and normalize DTDs. (SwiX)
Systems for persistently storing XML documents and providing access to their structure and individual parts. Storing XML documents as blobs does not qualify. (XML document database systems)
TM4J is an implementation of the
XTM topic map standard.
TM4J can read in topic maps encoded in XML using
SAX 1.0 or the
DOM and also generate
XML topic maps. It provides a general API for manipulating
topic maps, but no functionality directed towards end-users. (TM4J)
TMTab is a topic map engine and editor implemented as a
Protege plug-in, which
allows ontologies to be created and edited using the Protege
editing interface. TMTab bases its topic map capabilities on
TM4J. (TMTab)
TagSoup is an HTML parser which
can parse HTML as it is found on the web (and not just valid HTML)
and make it available through a SAX
2.0 interface. It attempts to emulate the behaviour of
web browsers by correctly nesting elements, inferring missing
tags, and adding default attribute values, and it never signals
syntax errors. (TagSoup)
TclDOM is a 100% Tcl implementation of the DOM 1.0 that also include C wrappers for
the libxml DOM implementation. The
aim is to create a standard Tcl version of the DOM to be used with
any DOM implementation/parser. (TclDOM)
TclExpat is the expat C XML
parser wrapped as a Tcl module. Version 1.1 uses the final 1.0
version of expat, which supports XML
namespaces. (TclExpat)
TclXML wraps the libxslt
XSLT engine as a Tcl module.
It is possible to use Tcl to implement XSLT extension elements
and XPath extension functions. (TclXSLT)
The CyberNeko HTML parser is an HTML parser built on the native interface
of the Xerces XML parser. It
adds missing parent elements, automatically closes elements, and
can handle mismatched end tags. (CyberNeko HTML Parser)
The DOM Parser is a SAX 1.0-compliant
that turns a DOM Document into a SAX
event stream,
instead of parsing an XML document. (DOMParser)
The DTD Parser can parse an internal or external subset in the
form of a SAX InputSource and build a structure of non-standard
objects representing the DTD, which can then be used to explore or
modify the DTD. The package can also be used to convert between
DTDs and the DDML schema language. (DTD Parser)
The Docuverse DOM SDK is a Java implementation of the Document
Object Model (DOM 1.0) that can
use any SAX 1.0 to build the DOM
document tree. The DOM builder part of the implementation is very
general, so one can extend it to use other kinds of builders as
well. (SAXDOM)
The GMD-IPSI XQL engine is a Java implementation of the W3C-QL'98
workshop paper syntax of XQL, based on
a persistent
thread-safe DOM implementation. The PDOM can be built from XML documents
using a SAX 1.0 parser. (GMD-IPSI XQL Engine)
The ICS-FORTH VRP can parse RDF
documents and validate them against an RDF Schema. It is intended
to be embedded in other software as a library. (ICS-FORTH Validating RDF Parser)
The ParserFilters are classes that wrap
SAX 1.0
parsers in classes that provide
SAX 1.0 parser
interfaces. This allows for the development of extra services layered
on top of ordinary parsers. (Parser Filters)
The Perl libxml includes the Perl version of
SAX 1.0,
PerlSAX (a special Perl version of SAX), a SAX driver for
XML::Parser, a SAX driver
that can read ESIS output from SP and
XML::Grove integration code. (Perl libxml)
The Python XML package is a package of various Python XML tools that
has been put together by the Python XML Special Interest Group, a group
of volunteers led by Andrew M. Kuchling, for the convenience of Python
XML developers. (Python XML package)
The S-Link-S Editor is an RDF
editor. It is currently of alpha quality. (S-Link-S Editor)
The SAXExpat package is a wrapper around the expat XML parser that makes it possible
to use it within Delphi and Kylix. It also includes an interface
for generating XML documents from programs. (SAXExpat)
The SKYRiX Libraries contains a SAX
2.0 translation to Objective C, and contains SAX
drivers for a number of XML parsers. One is the CoreFoundation XML
parser that is part of MacOS X, another is for
the libxml parser, a third for
expat, and there are some more.
There is also a DOM
implementation built on top of the SAX API. (SKYRiX Libraries for XML Processing)
The Sablotron is an XSLT
processor written in C++ (as open source). The goal is to make
the processor fast, compact and portable. The Sablotron has both a
command-line and an API interface. Not all features of XSLT are
currently implemented. The Sablotron uses expat for XML parsing. (Sablotron)
The Schematron is an innovative schema language for XML documents
radically different from existing approaches. It can be used as a
friendly validation language and for automatically generating
external annotation (links, RDF, perhaps Topic Maps). Because it
uses paths rather than grammars, it can be used to assert many
constraints that cannot be expressed by DTDs or XML Schemas. (Schematron)
The Sun Multi-Schema Validator Schematron Add-on extends the Multi-Schema Validator to support validation of
XML documents against RELAX-NG schemas annotated with
Schematron schemas. This
provides very powerful schema capabilities combined with very good
error messages. (Sun MSV Schematron Add-on)
The Sun Multi-Schema Validator is an XML validator that can
validate XML documents against schemas written in several
different schema languages. At the moment it supports DTDs,
RELAX-NG, RELAX, TREX, and a subset of XML Schema. (Sun Multi-Schema Validator)
The Sun RELAX-NG converter can convert schemas from many different
schema languages to RELAX-NG.
It is based on Sun Multi-Schema Validator,
and supports DTDs, RELAX,
TREX, and
XML Schema. (Sun RELAX-NG Converter)
The Sun XML Datatype Library is an implementation of
XML Schema, part 2 for use
in applications that need support for the data typing capabilities
of XML Schema. (XML Datatypes Library)
The Sun XML Instance Generator can generate random XML instances
from schemas written in several different schema languages. These
instances can then be used for automated testing of applications,
both load-testing and other kinds of testing. At the moment it
supports DTDs, RELAX-NG,
RELAX, TREX, and a subset of XML Schema. The Instance Generator is
based on the Multi-Schema
Validator. (XML Instance Generator)
The Unicorn XSLT Processor is an XSLT
engine implemented in C++. The release is a binary-only
release, and the processor only has a command-line interface. The
underlying parser does not resolve external entities, and only
UTF-8 and UTF-16 are supported. (Unicorn XSLT Processor)
The XFA Scripting System is an interpreter for an XML-based scripting
language. XFA uses an XML-based syntax with two variants: restricted
(XML-compliant) and extended (non-compliant). Using XFA program code
can be integrated with document contents using the same syntax. (XFA Scripting System)
The XML Bean suite consists of seven XML beans: DOMGenerator,
DTDSourceView, XMLAttributeView, XMLChildren, XMLSourceView,
XMLTokenizer, XMLTreeView. (XML Bean Suite)
The XML Entity and URI Resolvers are a set of Java classes for
parsing SGML Open catalog files
and XML Catalog files into a
data structure. Part of the classes are also a SAX EntityResolver
and a JAXP URIResolver which can be used to add catalog support to
XML parsers. (XML Entity and URI Resolvers)
The XML Security Suite includes features such as digital
signatures, encryption, and access control. It implements
the XML Signature and
XML Encryption W3C
specifications. (XML Security Suite)
This XML parser has implementations in both Java and C++ and uses
a rather unusual API design in that it does not have a tree-based
or event-based API, but rather a pull API where the document is
pulled as individual tokens from the parser. The parser is very
small and it is also claimed to be fast. (XML Pull Parser)
This is James Clark's expat C parser
wrapped as a Perl module that can be compiled into the Perl interpreter.
It supports XML namespaces. (XML::Parser)
This is a collection of various Java XML utilities, including
an improved version of the Ælfred XML parser known as Ælfred2
with SAX 2.0 support,
a DOM 2.0 implementation, and
a JAXP implementation. (GNU JAXP)
This is a validating XML parser written entirely in tcl. The parser
offers both event-based and tree-based interfaces, and with Tcl 8.1
it supports Unicode. (TclXML)
This is a validating XML parser written in Delphi that parses
XML documents into a DOM element
tree that can then be modified and traversed. The component also
allows programs to build DOM trees and write them out as an XML
document. The parser supports both 8-bit and 16-bit encodings. (XML Parser Component for Delphi)
This is an Emacs major mode for editing DTDs. It does syntax colouring,
has some convenience macros for inserting commonly-typed constructs as well
as ETAGS integration. It is a stand-alone mode, but works well together
with PSGML. (tdtd)
This is two OmniMark scripts that convert
XML DTDs to DDML schema documents. (xml2ddml)
This is version 5 of Netscape Navigator, which can display XML
documents with CSS style. It also
has some support for MathML.
Please note that this is a beta release. (Mozilla)
This module wraps the expat
parser (version 1.2) for access from within the Ruby
interpreter. (Ruby is an object-oriented scripting language with
similarities to Perl.) It also has a DOM
1.0 implementation and XPointer support. (Expat Module for Ruby)
This tool can parse CSS2 stylesheets
into a DOM2 structure and also supports
the SAC API. (CSS2 Parser)
This tool converts DTDs into XML Schema
instances. It knows about parameter entites in the DTD and translates
those into equivalent constructs in the XML Schemas, which makes the
resulting schemas much smaller than they would otherwise have been. (dtd2xs)
This tool validates XML documents against a TREX schema, and can
use any SAX 1.0 or
2.0 parser. There is a command-line
interface. (Sample TREX implementation)
Tidy is a tool that can read your XML and
markup and detect and to some extent also fix errors in it. This can be
used to clean up bad HTML and XML and also to convert from poor HTML to
XML. Tidy can also pretty-print your markup, and has special features
for dealing with the HTML produced by MS Word '97 and 2000. It is to
some extent also aware of ASP, JSP and PHP directives and will ignore
these. (Tidy)
TmTk is a generic topic map toolkit written in C, with a Python
wrapper. It can import and export the XTM
1.0 syntax, can store topic maps in a native persistent
backend, and has a built-in query language. The toolkit was
previously known as GWTK. (GWTK)
Tony is a lightweight XML parser written in the functional programming
language Objective CAML. It claims to be much smaller than most other
XML parsers, but is not complete. Tony comes with an advanced
configurable pretty-printer. (Tony)
Tools for creating, modifying and documenting DTDs, XSL style
sheets etc. (Control information development)
Tools for electronic delivery and display of XML documents. (Electronic delivery)
Tools for interactive creation, modification and composition of
XML documents. (Editing and composition)
Tools for scripted creation and modification of XML documents. (Conversion)
Tools for supporting document management, such as document databases
and search engines. (Document Storage and Management)
Tools whose purpose is to generate XML according to a specific document type from non-XML source documents. (Specific N-converters)
Trang is a schema converter which can convert schemas between
RELAX-NG, XML Schema, and DTDs. It can also
infer a schema from example documents. When converting Trang
preserves information such as divisions into files, annotations,
and comments. (Trang)
Unicorn Formatting Objects is an XSL formatting engine which
includes the Unicorn XSLT
engine, enabling transformations to go directly
from source XML to publishing formats. The engine can convert
XSL FO documents to HTML and TeX. A TeX processor can then be
used to produce print-ready files from the TeX output. (Unicorn Formatting Objects)
implementation written in Visual Basic, which can validate XML
documents against RELAX NG schemas. (VBRELAXNG)
Visual XML is an XML editor written in Java with JFC (Swing). It lets
you edit a tree view of the XML document. (Visual XML)
WFC is a collection of C++ classes for Windows programming. Included
are a non-validating XML parser as well as other tools for working with
XML documents. The parser has been tested on Unix too. (Windows Foundation Classes)
WH2FO reads HTML files produced by Microsoft Word and converts them
into an XML document, with two XSLT stylesheets: one for
conversion back to HTML and one for conversion to XSL-FO. (WH2FO)
Whisper is a general-purpose application framework written in C++,
Whisper contains (among many other things) a validating XML parser
with support for Unicode.
Whisper makes extensive use of C++ features like templates (parametric
classes), multiple inheritance, the Standard Template Library and
exceptions. The design uses something similar to Design by Contract. (Whisper)
X-IT is a tool which can batch process a collection of XML documents,
either interactively or non-interactively. It can add PIs or comments,
delete parts of a document, replace text, validate and sort. (X-IT)
X-Smiles is an XML browser developed in Java. It has a
component-based architecture that allows it to run in many
different UI environments. In addition, XML vocabularies are
rendered by Java components, which can be plugged into the
browser. XML documents can also be displayed by using XSLT to transform them into an already
supported vocabulary. (X-Smiles)
X-Tract is an interpreter for XML Script, an XML transformation
language with XML syntax. XML Script can be seen as a non-standard
version of XSLT, also using XPath, but with different syntax and based
more on a traditional imperative programming model, rather than
the functional model of XSLT. It uses the Xerces parser for XML parsing and
Pathan for XPath. (X-Tract)
XDBM is an open source XML database manager for storing XML documents
in and modifying them while in the database. It's designed as a
library to be linked into programs. XDBM also has searching functionality. (XDBM)
XDOM is an open source XML parser with a DOM level 1 and level 2 (core and traversal)
implementation written in Delphi. The implementation implements some
convenience extensions and also deviates from the specification in
a couple of places. (XDOM)
XED is a simple XML editor written in C, Python and Tk. It tries to
ensure that the author cannot write a document that is not well-formed
and reads the DTD in order to be able to suggest valid elements to be
inserted at any point in the document. (XED)
XInclude Engine is an XInclude implementation written in Java,
with implementations based on SAX,
DOM, and JDOM. The engine implements all of
XInclude, 2002-09-17
Candidate Recommendation, except referring to fragments of XML
documents using XPointer. (XIncluder)
XInclude.NET is an XInclude
implementation (based on the Candidate Recommendation) written in
C# for the .NET platform. (XInclude.NET)
XIndice is a native XML database for storing XML documents in and
running XPath queries against
them. The update language used is XUpdate, and XIndice also implements the
XML::DB API. (XIndice)
XLE is a tool that uses JDBC to access a relational
database and extract data as XML documents. A mapping file is used to
map the database model to the desired XML DTD. XLE can exploit foreign
key relationships and access several data sources simultaneously. (XML Lightweight Extractors)
XML Diff and Merge is a Java program that can be used to reconcile or
simply understand the differences between two XML documents. The tool
is graphical, and shows the differences using symbols and colours. For
each difference the user decides which version to use. (XML Diff and Merge Tool)
XML Generator is a tool that can generate valid XML test cases
from a DTD, which can be used to test XML applications
automatically. The generated XML can be configured somewhat, and
the engine can provide both files, a DOM interface and a
SAX 2.0 interface. (XML Generator)
XML Integrator is an XML data binding tool with support for
connecting XML documents with RDBMS tables, rows, and columns.
This can be done either using a DTD with Source Annotations
(DTDSA) or using an XML language known as XRT. (XML Integrator)
XML Master consists of two parts. The first is an editor for
generating Java beans from XML DTDs suitable for processing documents
conforming to those DTDs. The second part is a collection of beans
useful for building GUIs that access XML documents.
XMas (as the tool is also known) can generate both
visual and non-visual beans. (XML Master)
XML Tools Scripting Addition enables AppleScript programs to use
expat to parse XML documents into
a tree structure of records. It supports
XML Namespaces. (XML Tools Scripting Addition)
XML TreeDiff is a set of Java beans that work like the UNIX tools
diff and patch, but on a
DOM 1.0 structure. The package
also contains a GUI to display the differences. Difference reports can
also be output in XML from the command line. (XML TreeDiff)
XML Viewer is a simple Java application that can display both raw
XML source and a tree view of any well-formed XML document. XML Viewer
is also DTD-aware and can show DTDs as well and show the declaration
of any element or attribute. (XML Viewer)
XML converters (or "S-converters") are tools for automated processing of XML documents. (General S-converters)
XML parsers, parsing toolkits, HyTime engines and DSSSL engines. (Parsers and engines)
XML-DBMS is a Java library that can be used to move data from XML
to a relational database and also back again. Through the use of a
mapping document the structure of the original document is
preserved. (XML-DBMS)
XML::DT is a Perl package for simplifying down-translation from XML
into some other format, for example LaTeX or HTML. XML::DT uses mapping
rules that map element type names to Perl handler functions. (XML::DT)
XML::Edifact is a set of Perl scripts for converting
an XML representation that mimics the original EDIFACT structure in
an XML syntax. A DTD called edicooked.dtd describes the XML structure. (XML::Edifact)
XML::Grove uses XML::Parse to
build a tree structure from the parsed
document that programs can access and change. Similar to DOM, that is,
but non-standard. (XML::Grove)
XML::LibXSLT is the Gnome XSLT
Engine wrapped as a Perl module. The module is
considered stable by its author. (XML::LibXSLT)
XML::Twig is a module for writing tree-based XML processing applications
that only build partial document trees, so as to allow them to work with
much larger documents. XML::Twig uses
XML::Parser for the actual parsing. (XML::Twig)
XML::Writer is a Perl module which makes it easier to generate
correct XML output from Perl. It has intelligent support for
XML namespaces and will
generate prefixes (although this can be controlled, if desired). (XML::Writer)
XML::XPath is a Perl implementation of
XPath. It can parse XPath
expressions and resolve them against a document tree built by the
XPath module from SAX events or the
XML::Parser. (XML::XPath)
XMLIO is a non-validating XML parser with a pull interface, where
the application can take over parsing of element contents and elements
from the parser. XMLIO can also be used to generate XML documents. (XMLIO)
XMill is an XML-specific compression tool that claims to achieve
about twice the compression that gzip achieves on XML data at
similar speed. It is built on gzip, but uses its knowledge that
the input is XML to do XML-specific compression tricks that give
better results. (XMill)
XOM is a tree-based API for processing XML documents that is
designed to be better to use than alternatives such as the DOM,
dom4j, and JDOM. It is based on
SAX 2.0, but does not work with
any SAX 2.0 implementation. XOM allows you to access the element
structure, modify documents, and serialize documents back to XML. (XOM)
XP is written to be fully-conforming and as fast as possible,
with an emphasis is on server-side production use. There is no
validation, only well-formedness checking. Even though 0.5 is a
beta release it is stable, conformant and
fast. A SAX 1.0 driver is
included. XP supports several Unicode encodings. (XP)
XPA, short for XML Processing for Antlr, is a toolkit for XML
processing and transformation based on the Antlr parser generator
for Java. It allows XML processing to be described using a
declarative grammar syntax interspersed with Java code to perform
actions at particular points in the parsing. (XPA)
XPath Tester is a GUI tool that can be used to see how
expressions evaluate when matched against a specific document.
The effect of the expression can be shown as it is typed, and
the user can select the context node. The XPath implementation
used is the one from Saxon. (XPath Tester)
XPath Visualizer can be used to learn XPath and also debug XPath
expressions. The visualizer can show an XML document in a tree
view and then allows the user to execute an XPath expression against that document,
and see which nodes were matched. (XPath Visualizer)
XSL Lint is a Perl script that checks
XSLT style sheets for mistakes.
It is of alpha quality. (XSL Lint)
XSL Tester is an XSLT authoring tool that can be used to write
XSLT stylesheets and test them on source documents, showing the
results either as plain text or as HTML in a browser window. (XSL Tester)
XSLP is a free Java XSL processor that implements the final
XSLT recommendation. XSLP is based on
experience gained by working on Sean Russell's now obsolete docproc
processor. (xsl:p)
XSLT-process is an Emacs minor mode (that is, it can be used in
combination with a major mode such as PSGML or xslide)
that adds support for running XSLT processors and debugging the
results of XSLT processing. It has quite powerful debugging support,
including breakpoints, step-by-step running, and variable viewing. (XSLT-process)
XSLTC compiles XSLT stylesheets
to C++ code for faster execution. It is based on the TransforMiix
XSLT engine and implements 95% percent of its functionality. XSLTC
is currently an experimental release. (XSLTC)
XSV is an XML validator that validates XML documents according to
the XML Schemas
Recommendation. Currently, the only interface is a command-line
interface. The validator is based on the Python LTXML module, which you can also
get by installing XED. XSV supports
RDDL. (XML Schema Validator)
XSet is an XML search engine oriented towards performance. It
keeps its working set in memory (using paging to support large
documents) and can be accessed through RMI. The query language is
very simple. (XSet)
XT is an XSLT engine that implements the final XSLT recommendation, as well as the
XPath recommendation. It does
not support the full recommendation, but does have some useful
extensions. It can be used with any SAX
1.0 parser and also as a servlet. (XT)
XTM::Base is a topic map engine that supports
XTM 1.0. It can load topic maps
from XTM 1.0 documents, and provides a generic API for working
with them. There is also a simple text-based interpreter, which
can be used to query loaded topic maps, as well as support for
XTMPath and LTM. (Perl XTM)
Xalan-C++ is a C++ implementation of an
XSLT processor, following the
final XSLT recommendation. It can pre-parse documents, and
precompile stylesheets.
The XML parser used is Xerces. (Xalan-C++)
Xalan-Java is an XSLT processor
written in Java. It implements the entire final XSLT
recommendation, and can produce both
SAX and
DOM output, with support for
Java and JavaScript extensions. Xalan-Java uses
Xerces-Java for XML parsing.
Xalan has a JAXP API.
Xalan can also compile XSLT stylesheets to Java bytecode. (Xalan-Java)
Xeena is written in Java using Swing, and reads the DTD in order to
provide context-sensitive icons for inserting new elements. It can also
validate the document. Editing is done in a tree view, but there is a
source view as well. (Xeena)
Xerces C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of
C++. It supports
XML Namespaces, the
DOM level 2,
SAX 1.0,
DOM level 2,
SAX 2.0, and
XML Schemas. (Xerces C++)
Xerces Java is a validating XML parser with support for the
DOM level 1 and
SAX 1.0 and
2.0, and
the XML Schemas final
recommendation. Xerces can be invoked through the
JAXP API. (Xerces Java)
Xerces Perl is the validating
Xerces C++ parser wrapped
as a Perl module. It supports the
DOM level 2,
SAX 2.0,
XML namespaces, and
XML Schema. (Xerces Perl)
Xplorer is a simple XML document browser, which can be used to search
for XML documents, validate them and view them. Searching is done
based on the file name, but it is also possible to search on document
content and markup. The viewer can show a tree view, source view as
well as a more selective tree view. (Xplorer)
Xtract is a document search tool for with a query language loosely
based on XQL. Xtract can handle both HTML and XML documents, but is
currently at beta level. (Xtract)
Zeus is an XML data binding framework that generates Java classes
from a DTD, and which can then load data from instances of that
DTD to instances of the generated Java classes. It is also able to
write data out from the Java objects back to an XML
representation. (Zeus)
css-mode is a simple Emacs major mode (that is, an extension to the
Emacs editor) for editing CSS
stylesheets. It does syntax colouring, indentation and auto-completion
of property names. (css-mode)
debit is an XML editor based on MSIE.
It validates as you edit, uses XSLT to transform for preview and allows
elements to be reordered (as permitted by the DTD). debit is more
suitable for data-oriented XML than for document-oriented XML. (debit)
dom4j is a Java toolkit for writing XML processing applications,
with its own tree-based model for XML documents, inspired by the
XPath data model. It has both event-based and tree-based modes,
supports evaluation of XPath
expressions against the document tree, and also has an
implementation of its own tree model that supports the
DOM. There is even alpha
support for XML Schema data
types. (dom4j)
domc is a lightweight DOM level
1 and level 2 core
implementation written in pure C. It uses expat to build DOM trees. (domc)
dtddoc is a Python tool that can be used to generate HTML and DocBook
RefEntry documentation
for XML DTDs. It reads the DTD (using
xmlproc) and an XML documentation
file (using SAX) and generates
the documentation from that. The XML DTD for DTD documentation
is available separately and is documented using dtddoc. (dtddoc)
eXchaNGeR is an XML document manager, which categorizes XML
documents in a tree display and allows them to be opened in
browser or editor applications. It includes a simple text-based
editor and a similar viewer, but can also connect to external
services for particular elements. Some services for well-known
vocabularies are already included. (eXchaNGeR)
eXist is a lightweight XML database that supports fulltext
search. It has two backends, one native and one using an RDBMS.
The query language implemented is
XPath. eXist provides an HTTP
interface, an XML-RPC interface, and also implements the
XML:DB Java API. eXist uses
SAX to import XML documents. (eXist)
easyXML is a JavaBean suite for adding XML processing abilities to
Java applications. The suite consists of 13 beans: XMLHolder, XMLElement,
XMLAttribute, XMLFileGenerator, XML2HTML, HTML2XML, RecursionResolver, NameSpace,
XLinkArc, XLinkExtended, XLinkLocator, and XLinkSample. The last three beans
provide support for XLink. easyXML can be
used with any SAX1 parser. (easyXML)
expat is a non-validating parser written in C, and is the
parser previously known as XMLTok. It is used
in Mozilla 5.0 and in parser
modules for several different scripting languages. It is very fast
and highly conformant. (expat)
ezDTD is a DTD editor that tries to make DTD editing a
bit simpler. It stores DTDs in its own format (with metadata),
but can import DTDs. It can export DTDs into HTML and save them as
either SGML (with minimization info) or XML (without). (ezDTD)
fxp is a validating XML parser written in Standard ML, a
functional programming language in the ML family. fxp has a
programming interface, and comes with some example command-line
applications. It has only been tested with the Standard ML of New
Jersey compiler under Unix, but might well work elsewhere as well.
fxp supports XCatalog
and Unicode. (fxp)
jd.xslt is an XSLT processor implementing the 2000-12-12
XSLT 1.1 working draft. It
claims to have a very high degree of conformance and good
performance. The xsl:script element is supported and scripts
can be written in many languages. (jd.xslt)
jfor converts XSL:FO documents
into RTF. jfor attempts to preserve
the structure of the input document, and so may lose some formatting.
jfor can be used both from the command-line as well as from
within Cocoon. (jfor)
libxml is a validating XML parser written in C (also known as
gnome-xml). It has an event-based (SAX-like)
interface and can also build an in-memory DOM-like tree of the
parsed document. It can use XML
Catalog to resolve entity references. (libxml)
libxml-enno is a collection of useful Perl XML modules developed
by Enno Derksen and gathered into one package. It contains a
DOM 1.0 implementation
(built on Clark Cooper's
an XML Query Language
(XQL) implementation
(note: XQL is not XML-QL),
an XML validator that validates documents against DTDs
and a number of SAX filters. (libxml-enno)
libxslt is an XSLT processor written in portable C, based on the
libxml XML parser. It is not
yet feature-complete, but work is progressing rapidly. It has both
a command-line interface as well as an API.
XML Catalog support is
provided by libxml. (libxslt)
maki is a Python framework for publishing XML documents on the web
using a combination of XSLT and
Python. maki uses Sab-pyth
and 4XSLT (you can choose which
you want to use) to provide XSLT processing. (maki)
mod_xslt is an Apache module useful for publishing XML documents
using XSLT. It uses a
configuration file that maps document element names to XSLT
stylesheets and when an XML document is requested it automatically
applies the XSLT stylesheet to the XML document to produce its
output. The XSLT engine used is Sablotron. (mod_xslt)
perlSGML is a collection of Perl tools for working with SGML, but they
also work with XML. Included are DTD documentation tools, a DTD diff tool
and several useful related libraries. (perlSGML)
pysp wraps the SP SGML parser as a
Python module and makes it easy to develop SGML processing
applications in Python. pysp provides a simple event-based API to
the SGML parser, the exact minimum of what is required in order
to develop applications on top of the parser. (pysp)
repat is an RDF parser built on
top of the expat XML parser.
It uses a callback interface rather like the interface used by
expat itself. (repat)
sgmlop is a C replacement module for the sgmllib and
xmllib parsers that come with the standard
Python distribution. The author claims that sgmlop is 6 times faster
than the Python originals. (sgmlop)
sgrep is a general tool for searching and indexing text that supports
XML (and SGML). It also has its own very powerful query language.
sgrep supports Unicode. (sgrep)
tDOM is a C implementation of the DOM
level 1 core using expat
and tclexpat
for parsing. tDOM also includes C implementations of
XPath and
tDOM is written to be accessed from tcl. (tDOM)
tmproc is a Python implementation of Topic
Maps (ISO 13250), a standard for creating navigational
indexes on large sets of documents. tmproc requires the PyXML package and can also be used with
xmlarch if architectural
processing is wanted. (tmproc)
xmlBlaster is a pure Java publish/subscribe MOM server
(message-oriented middleware) which exchanges XML-encoded messages
between publishers and subscribers. Communication with the server
is based on CORBA (using JacORB), RMI and XML-RPC, and subscribers
can use XPath expressions to
filter the messages they wish to receive. (xmlBlaster)
xmlarch is an architectural forms engine written in Python that works
with any SAX 1.0 parser and offers a
SAX 1.0 interface to the processed
documents. It is
also possible to receive architectural document events for several
architectures in one parse pass. (xmlarch)
xmldiff reads two XML documents and compares them using a tree
comparison algorithm. xmldiff uses its own tree model, but can
build instances of the model from both
SAX and
DOM2 sources. xmldiff depends
on the Python XML-SIG package.
xmldiff can output diff results both in a private notation,
as well as in the form of an XUpdate document. (xmldiff)
xmlizer can produce XML from database contents via JDBC, either using
a simple generic mapping or using a rule set. The rule set can be
created using a GUI from a DTD or an XML
Schema. The product is divided into a server and a client,
where the server maintains the configuration and the database connections,
and the client connects to it to retrieve XML data. (xmlizer)
xmloperator is a tree-based XML editor, which can make use of a
DTD or a RELAX-NG schema to
provide schema-driven editing. xmloperator is mainly suitable for
data-oriented XML rather than document-oriented XML. The editor
supports undo, and redo, comparison of documents, as well as
conversion using XSLT. It is based
on the Xerces-J XML parser
and the Xalan-J XSLT engine. (xmloperator)
xmlparse is a validating XML parser written in C++ with full
Unicode support. The parser
has been tested on the OASIS conformance test suite and should be
highly conformant (only 3 errors). It uses a SAX-like API and
passes text to the application in UTF-8 encoding. (xmlparse)
xmlproc is a validating parser written in Python. It implements nearly
all of the XML Recommendation, including
XML namespaces. (The home
page lists the
deviations.) xmlproc provides access to DTD information and also offers
a DTD parsing module. xmlproc supports
SGML Open catalogs and
XML Catalogs.
xmlproc can report errors in Norwegian
and English and can be extended to support other languages as well. (xmlproc)
xmltools is a tree-based XML editor and browser written in Python
using PyGtk for the graphical interface. It can read the DTD and
use the DTD to guide editing of the document. It uses
4XPath and
xmlproc. (xmltools)
xmlutils is a non-validating XML parser that reads the external
subset and external entities (if desired) and produces a Lisp
S-expression tree as a result of parsing. The parser supports both
Unicode and
XML Namespaces. According to
the authors it fails only four cases on the OASIS conformance test,
and those it fails due to the support for 4-byte Unicode code points. (xmlutils)
xslide is a major Emacs mode for editing XSLT style sheets that
has both syntax colouring, automatic indention, automatic
completion and convenience functions to run XSLT engines. xslide
was tested in Emacs 20.3.1. (xslide)
xslt-parser is a budding XSLT engine written in Perl. It is
of alpha quality and not yet complete nor bug-free,
but work is progressing. (XML::XSLT)
Ælfred is designed to be small and fast, especially intended
for use in Java applets (it uses only two .class files). It has a
non-standard interface. Ælfred reads the DTD, but does not
validate the document. (Ælfred)
Ælfred2 for Pascal is a translation of David Megginson's (and
later David Brownell's) Ælfred Java XML parser to Delphi. It
supports a SAX-like interface and is validating, and has a high
level of conformance against the XML Conformance test suite. (Ælfred2 for Pascal)