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Occurrences of this Type (174)
Abra (Abra)
Aerodactyl (Aerodactyl)
Alakazam (Alakazam)
Arbok (Arbok)
Arcanine (Arcanine)
Articuno (Articuno)
As Goldeen evolves, it's skill with its horn increases. In the fall, Seaking can be seen swimming up rivers and streams for the spawnning season. (Seaking)
As it evolves, Horsea's feather-like wings turn into Seadra's spiky fins. Seadra uses its fins to pierce its enemy's skin and to swim backwards. (Seadra)
Beedrill (Beedrill)
Bellsprout (Bellsprout)
Blastoise (Blastoise)
Bug Pokemon prefer to live in forests and resemble overgrown insects. (Bug)
Bulbasaur is a strong, manageable Pokemon for beginner trainers. No one's sure whether bulbasaur and its evolutions are plant or animal. The seem to have the chacteristics of both. A strange bulb was planted on its back at birth. As Bulbasaur grows, the bulb becomes a large, leafy plant. Bulbasaur is in better shape than the other starting Pokemon, charmander and squirtle, so it is harder to defeat and capture. (Bulbasaur)
Butterfree (Butterfree)
Caterpie (Caterpie)
Chansey (Chansey)
Charizard (Charizard)
Charmander (Charmander)
Charmeleon (Charmeleon)
Clefable (Clefable)
Clefairy (Clefairy)
Cloyster (Cloyster)
Cubone (Cubone)
Dark Pokemon are noctournal and live in fields and caves. (Dark)
Dewgong (Dewgong)
Diglett (Diglett)
Ditto (Ditto)
Dodrio (Dodrio)
Doduo (Doduo)
Dragon Pokemon live in many places with varying characteristics and resemble dragons and serpents. (Dragon)
Dragonair (Dragonair)
Dragonite (Dragonite)
Dratini (Dratini)
Drowzee (Drowzee)
Dugtrio (Dugtrio)
Eevee (Eevee)
Ekans (Ekans)
Electabuzz (Electabuzz)
Electric Pokemon live in fields and power plants and can shoot electric blasts at their foes. (Electric)
Electrode (Electrode)
Exeggcute (Exeggcute)
Exeggutor (Exeggutor)
Farfetch'd (Farfetch'd)
Fearow (Fearow)
Fighting Pokemon live in caves and fields and are very strong. (Fighting)
Fire Pokemon prefer to live in hot dry places and can scorch their enemies. (Fire)
Flareon (Flareon)
Flying Pokemon live in fields and up trees and can fly. (Flying)
Gastly (Gastly)
Gengar (Gengar)
Geodude (Geodude)
Ghost Pokemon live in deserted mansions and towers and other buildings. (Ghost)
Gloom (Gloom)
Golbat (Golbat)
Goldeen is known as the Water Queen. Its rippled tail fins flow like a ball gown. Though it is beautiful, it is somewhat useless in battle, for it cannot use the horn on its head. (Goldeen)
Golduck (Golduck)
Golem (Golem)
Grass Pokemon prefer to get tons of sunlight. (Grass)
Graveler (Graveler)
Grimer (Grimer)
Ground Pokemon live in caves, tunnels, and underground. (Ground)
Growlithe (Growlithe)
Gyarados (Gyarados)
Haunter (Haunter)
Hitmonchan (Hitmonchan)
Hitmonlee (Hitmonlee)
Hoenn is a region where Pokemon live ... This is where Ruby and Saphire versions take place. (Hoenn)
Horsea is a little fragile. Its good at defense, but that doesn't mean it can take a major attack. It has been known to shoot down bugs from the surface of the water with blasts of ink, so it is very acurrate. (Horsea)
Hypno (Hypno)
Ice Pokemon like to live in areas that are extremely cold. (Ice)
Ivysaur and its other evolutions have twice as many strengths and weaknesses because it has two element types. As the bulb on its back grows, it gets harder for Ivysaur to stand on its hind legs. (Ivysaur)
Jigglypuff (Jigglypuff)
Jolteon (Jolteon)
Jynx (Jynx)
Kabuto (Kabuto)
Kabutops (Kabutops)
Kadabra (Kadabra)
Kakuna (Kakuna)
Kangaskhan (Kangaskhan)
Kanto-Johto are regions where Pokemon live ... This is where Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions take place. (Kanto-Johto)
Kingdra is the final evolutionary stage of Horsea. Its sleeps and hides on the ocean floor in underwater caves to build up energy. It is said that it can create tornadoes and whirlpools when it wakes and yawns. (Kingdra)
Kingler (Kingler)
Koffing (Koffing)
Krabby (Krabby)
Lapras (Lapras)
Lickitung (Lickitung)
Machamp (Machamp)
Machoke (Machoke)
Machop (Machop)
Magikarp (Magikarp)
Magmar (Magmar)
Magnemite (Magnemite)
Magneton (Magneton)
Mankey (Mankey)
Marowak (Marowak)
Meowth (Meowth)
Metapod (Metapod)
Mew (Mew)
Mewtwo (Mewtwo)
Moltres (Moltres)
Mr_Mime (Mr. Mime)
Muk (Muk)
Nidoking (Nidoking)
Nidoqueen (Nidoqueen)
Nidoran-female (Nidoran-female)
Nidoran-male (Nidoran-male)
Nidorina (Nidorina)
Nidorino (Nidorino)
Ninetales (Ninetales)
Normal Pokemon prefer to live in fields and use only physical attacks (Normal)
Oddish (Oddish)
Omanyte (Omanyte)
Omastar (Omastar)
Onix (Onix)
Paras (Paras)
Parasect (Parasect)
Persian (Persian)
Pidgeot (Pidgeot)
Pidgeotto (Pidgeotto)
Pidgey (Pidgey)
Pikachu (Pikachu)
Pinsir (Pinsir)
Poison Pokemon prefer to live in dumps and can poison other Pokemon. (Poison)
Poliwag (Poliwag)
Poliwhirl (Poliwhirl)
Poliwrath (Poliwrath)
Ponyta (Ponyta)
Porygon (Porygon)
Primeape (Primeape)
Psychic Pokemon like to live in fields and caves and possess telepathic and telekenetic abilities. (Psychic)
Psyduck (Psyduck)
Raichu (Raichu)
Rapidash (Rapidash)
Raticate (Raticate)
Rattata (Rattata)
Red and Blue versions are the first two versions of the Pokemon series. (Red/Blue Version)
Rhydon (Rhydon)
Rhyhorn (Rhyhorn)
Rock Pokemon like to live in caves or on mountain trails and use mainly physical attacks. (Rock)
Sandshrew (Sandshrew)
Sandslash (Sandslash)
Scyther (Scyther)
Seel (Seel)
Shellder (Shellder)
Slowbro (Slowbro)
Slowpoke (Slowpoke)
Snorlax (Snorlax)
Spearow (Spearow)
Squirtle (Squirtle)
Starmie (Starmie)
Staryu (Staryu)
Steel Pokemon like to live in caves or fields and have a steel exoskeleton. (Steel)
Tangela (Tangela)
Taurus (Taurus)
Tentacool (Tentacool)
Tentacruel (Tentacruel)
The Element Types describe the Pokemon and what they do, what their strengths and weaknesses are and what attacks they use. (Element Types)
This is a topic map representation of Pokemon by Joshua Lownsbery with enhancements suggested by Steve Pepper. (Pokemon Topic Map)
Vaporeon (Vaporeon)
Venomoth (Venomoth)
Venonat (Venonat)
Venusaur is the final evolutionary stage of bulbasaur. When the bulb on its back blooms, the flower begins to absorb sunlight. Because of this, Venusaur must keep moving to find more sunlight. Venusaur's favorite attack is Leech Seed, which absorbs the opponents power. (Venusaur)
Victreebel (Victreebel)
Vileplume (Vileplume)
Voltorb (Voltorb)
Vulpix (Vulpix)
Wartortle (Wartortle)
Water Pokemon prefer to live in lakes, rivers, or oceans and can shoot water at their opponents. (Water)
Weedle (Weedle)
Weepinbell (Weepinbell)
Weezing (Weezing)
Wigglytuff (Wigglytuff)
Zapdos (Zapdos)
Zubat (Zubat)