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  • <P>Bouvet is a Norwegian consulting house with broad experience in the use of Topic Maps in many usage areas and on many platforms. It also employs two of the original Ontopia developers. </P><P>Bouvet offers the following services around Ontopia:<BR></P><UL><LI>Solution development. Bouvet has built a number of Ontopia-based solutions for a wide range of customers.</LI><LI>Advisory consulting. Bouvet is used as advisory consultants on semantic technologies and Topic Maps by a number of customers. </LI><LI>Support. Bouvet offers support on Ontopia-based solutions. </LI><LI>Custom software development. Bouvet can develop new features and modules in the Ontopia software on request.<BR></LI></UL> (Bouvet)
  • <P>BrainBank Learning is a pedagogical tool for pupils and students of all ages, which allows students to build a structured mind map of the concepts they learn as they learn them. The purpose is to help students adopt better learning strategies (looking for key concepts and their relations) and to help them record and structure what they have learned. Teachers have access to the students' brainbanks and can comment on them and discuss them with students.<BR><BR>The system has been very popular with both students and teachers, and has received much praise from independent pedagogical researchers who have evaluated the system.<BR><BR>Links to some more information about the system:<BR></P><UL><LI><A href="http://brainbank.no/" mce_href="http://brainbank.no/">The official site</A></LI><LI><A href="http://cmc.ihmc.us/papers/cmc2004-013.pdf" mce_href="http://cmc.ihmc.us/papers/cmc2004-013.pdf">A paper about the system</A></LI><LI><A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNwM5qL-8I" mce_href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNwM5qL-8I">A demo video</A> (in Norwegian)</LI></UL><P>The system runs on Ontopia, the Tomcat web server, and uses the PostgreSQL database for storing the topic map. The system is built almost entirely using Ontopia using the web framework.<BR></P> (BrainBank Learning)
  • <P>Exactly what we will be doing at <A href="http://tmra.de/2010/" mce_href="http://tmra.de/2010/">this year's TMRA</A> is not yet decided. There will definitely be some presentations, and perhaps a tutorial. A number of the project participants will also be at the conference, and you will have the opportunity to meet them.</P> <P>We will update this page with more information as soon as we have it. The conference will be held on 29 September - 1 October 2010 in Leipzig, Germany.</P> (Meet us at TMRA 2010)
  • <P>Knowledge Synergy is a Japanese company. It has been devoted to Topic Maps-related activities for many years. With the aid of Bouvet, Knowledge Synergy, a partner of Bouvet, collaborates and offers advisory consulting, support, training and solution development concerning Topic Maps and Ontopia mainly in Asia.</P> (Knowledge Synergy)
  • <P>NRK/Skole is an educational site for school children publishing sound and video clips from the archives of the Norwegian National Broadcasting Company, the Norwegian equivalent of the BBC. A team of editors scour the archives to find suitable content, then cut it into clips suitable for use in an educational setting and attach metadata to these clips. The content ranges from interviews with historical figures, clips from the daily news, documentaries, and even comedy gags.<BR><BR>All clips on the site are represented as topics in the topic map, and associated with topics representing people and subjects that the clips are about. In addition, clips are also attached to the programs they were taken from, providing three navigational entry points into the portal: person, subject, or program.<BR><BR>In addition, clips are connected with knowledge goals taken from the national curriculum, which has been published as a topic map by the Ministry of Education. Thus, teachers can navigate the curriciulum for their subject to find clips supporting any particular knowledge goal in the curriculum.<BR><BR>Unfortunately for non-Norwegian readers, the site is all in Norwegian. However, some of the content is in English, such as <A href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/klippdetalj?topic=nrk:klipp/47964" mce_href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/klippdetalj?topic=nrk:klipp/47964">Winston Churchill's famous blood, sweat, and tears speech</A> from World War II.<BR><BR>Some more information about the site:<BR><A href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/" mce_href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/"></A></P><UL><LI><A href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/" mce_href="http://www.nrk.no/skole/">The site itself</A> (in Norwegian)</LI><LI><A href="http://ontopia.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/nrk-skole.pdf" mce_href="http://ontopia.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/nrk-skole.pdf">A presentation about the site</A> (in Norwegian)</LI><LI><A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhpH9Fm5H90" mce_href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhpH9Fm5H90">A YouTube video about the site</A> (in Norwegian)</LI><LI><A href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/tag/nrk/" mce_href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/tag/nrk/">Blog postings about the project</A> (from the Ontopia blog)</LI></UL><P>The site runs on Ontopia 5.0.0, the Resin web server, and uses the Polopoly CMS for articles. The Ontopoly editor is used to tag clips against the topic map, while the DB2TM module is used to import metadata from a relational database. The presentation is implemented using the JSP tag libraries.<BR></P> (Norwegian National Broadcasting)
  • <P>Omnigator is a web-based Topic Maps browser which can display any topic map. It is not intended as an end-user tool (although some have used it as such), but is more of a developer support since it can be used to view any part of any topic map. One user referred to it as a "Topic Maps debugger", which is quite accurate, but it is actually more than that, since it can be used to run tolog queries, validate topic maps, get size statistics, etc.</P> (The browser)
  • <P>Ontopia has a web service interface which provides a number of generic requests such as get-topic, get-tolog (query results), delete-topic, add-fragment (in some Topic Maps syntax), and so on. This interface is exposed both as a plain HTTP interface and using SOAP, so that requests can be sent using both styles. <BR><BR>The web service interface is used by the graphical visualization applet to lazily download a topic map fragment by fragment as the user browses the topic map in the applet.<BR></P> (Web service interface)
  • <P>Ontopia is a set of tools which contains everything you need to build a full Topic Maps-based application. Using Ontopia you can design your ontology, populate the topic map manually and/or automatically, build the user interface, show graphical visualizations of the topic map, and much more.<BR><BR>The core of Ontopia is the engine, which stores and maintains the topic maps, and has an extensive Java API. On top of it are built a number of additional components, as shown in the diagram below. More information about these components can be found on the right.<BR><BR>Ontopia is 100% Java, and runs on any operating system which has Java 1.5. It is fully open source and can be used without any restrictions beyond those in the Apache 2.0 license.<BR></P> (The product (page for section))
  • <P>Ontopia is an open source suite of tools for building applications based on Topic Maps, providing features like an ontology designer, an instance data editor, a full-featured query language, web service access points, database storage, <A href="section.jsp?id=ontopia-the-product" mce_href="section.jsp?id=ontopia-the-product">and so on</A>.</P><P>The product suite is highly mature. Ontopia 1.0 was released in June 2001, and we are now nearing the release of Ontopia 5.1. Ontopia has been in production use in <A href="success.jsp" mce_href="success.jsp">a number of commercial projects on three continents</A> for many years now, and the core engine has been very stable over most of that period.  </P><P>Ontopia is open source and released under <A href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" mce_href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">the Apache License 2.0</A>. The entire product is released as open source. There are no proprietary add-ons which are necessary to run it, or to make it suitable for an enterprise setting. Commercial support, however, <A href="services.jsp" mce_href="services.jsp">is available</A>.</P><P>Ontopia is being actively maintained and developed by <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/people/list" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/people/list">the committers</A> which include two people who have worked on the product for more than a decade, as well as new project participants from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Norway. The Google Code site has <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/updates/list" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/updates/list">a live feed of recent activity</A>. </P><H2>Contact </H2><P>To contact the project, please write either to <A href="http://groups.google.com/group/ontopia" mce_href="http://groups.google.com/group/ontopia">the mailing list</A> or to <A href="mailto:support@ontopia.net" mce_href="mailto:support@ontopia.net">Ontopia support</A>.</P> (About Ontopia)
  • <P>Ontopia is highly integratable, and has been integrated with a number of content management systems in order to provide these with the full power of Topic Maps for organizing and navigating content. The general approach taken is that authors write content in the CMS user interface, then tag it with topics from the topic map while still in the familiar CMS user interface. The interface for tagging content is taken from the Ontopoly editor, and thus automatically reflects the ontology of the topic map.<BR><BR>Once tagged in the topic map content can be navigated, searched, and found using a Topic Maps-based interface in the portal which integrates the content presentation from the CMS.<BR><BR>Some content management systems which have Ontopia integrations today:</P><UL><LI><A href="http://www.escenic.com/" mce_href="http://www.escenic.com/">Escenic</A></LI><LI><A href="http://www.officenet.no/" mce_href="http://www.officenet.no/">OfficeNet Knowledge Portal</A><BR></LI></UL><P>We are working on integrating with more CMSs, and results will be announced here as they appear. It is also possible for third parties to develop their own integrations.<BR></P> (Content management)
  • <P>Ontopoly is a Topic Maps editor that lets you incrementally design your Topic Maps ontology using a user-friendly web interface. The ontology then drives a web-based user interface for populating the topic map with instance data. Thus, it is possible to build an entire topic map stored either in file or a database using Ontopoly.<BR><BR>The instance editing user interface is configurable, and can be set up to present reduced views of the data to users, thus reducing the amount of clutter and confusion for authors.<BR><BR>In addition, Ontopoly is embeddable inside other applications, so that it is possible to add Topic Maps editing capabilities to other applications (such as content management systems).<BR><BR>The screenshot below shows the user interface for editing an instance topic, in this case an instance of the topic type "Album" (as in CD recording):<BR></P> (The editor)
  • <P>The City of Bergen's citizen portal is the city administration's main point of contact with the population, serving both as an information outlet and as an entry point to the services provided by the city to the population. The entire site is structured using a topic map offering multiple points of entry into the site. One entry point is using Los, a standardized taxonomy for local administrations published by the Norwegian government as a topic map. Another entry is the organizational structure of the city administration. Other entry points are provided by the site editors using the navigational menus and articles.<BR><BR>Links to some more information about the site:</P><UL><LI><BR><A href="http://www.bergen.kommune.no/" mce_href="http://www.bergen.kommune.no/">The site itself</A> (in Norwegian)</LI><LI><A href="http://www.topicmaps.com/tm2007/tveit.pdf" mce_href="http://www.topicmaps.com/tm2007/tveit.pdf">A presentation about the project</A></LI><LI><A href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/98t0413424260003/" mce_href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/98t0413424260003/">Case study about the project</A> (paid content)</LI><LI><A href="http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~tmra/2007/slides/garshol_TMRA2007_bergen.pdf" mce_href="http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~tmra/2007/slides/garshol_TMRA2007_bergen.pdf">Slides from case study presentation</A><BR><BR></LI></UL><P>The site is run by Oracle Portal, with most of the structure contributed from Ontopia-based portlets, while the content is managed using the Escenic Content Engine. Much of the topic map structure is converted from an internal data warehouse using DB2TM to do nightly synchronization.<BR></P> (City of Bergen)
  • <P>The Navigator Framework is a JSP tag library and Java API which enables developers to quickly and easily develop web-based interfaces based on Topic Maps using Ontopia. The tag library generates no HTML on its own, giving developers complete freedom to produce exactly the type of output they wish. The tag library is based on the tolog query language, and is quite similar to XSLT and the JSTL core tag library. It is also integrated with the JSTL core tag library, allowing interaction between the two sets of tag libraries and the use of the JSTL expression language.<BR><BR>Below are some screenshots from applications developed with the tag library.<BR></P> (Web framework)
  • <P>The Ontopia product is created by the Ontopia community, and so the product is what the community makes it. Anyone can join and contribute to help make the product better.</P><P>If you want to know what is going on, <STRONG>follow <A href="http://twitter.com/ontopia" mce_href="http://twitter.com/ontopia">the project on Twitter</A></STRONG><A href="http://twitter.com/ontopia" mce_href="http://twitter.com/ontopia"></A> or <STRONG>read <A href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/" mce_href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/">our blog</A></STRONG>. </P><P>If you want to get more closely involved with the project, the first thing you should do is to <STRONG>join <A href="http://groups.google.com/group/ontopia" mce_href="http://groups.google.com/group/ontopia">the mailing list</A></STRONG>, which is where the community discusses the state and future of the project. This is where you can engage with the community and start to get involved with it.<BR><BR>Second, you should <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/downloads/list" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/downloads/list"><STRONG>download</STRONG></A> and try out the software.<BR><BR>After this you may want to <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/checkout" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/checkout"><STRONG>check out the source code</STRONG></A> and <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/HowToBuild" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/HowToBuild">build it</A>. Once there is something specific you want to contribute, there is a guide to how to do it <A href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/HowToContribute" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/HowToContribute">here</A>.<BR></P> (Get involved)
  • <P>The Topic Maps engine is the heart of Ontopia, since it takes care of storing and providing access to the topic maps in the system. Essentially, the engine is a set of Java APIs, for</P><UL><LI>Accessing and modifying any part of a topic map</LI><LI>Importing topic maps from file (in XTM 1.0, 2.0, CTM, TM/XML, or LTM format)</LI><LI>Exporting topic maps to file (to XTM 1.0, 2.0, TM/XML, or LTM format)</LI><LI>Converting from RDF to Topic Maps (and vice versa)</LI><LI>Executing queries using the tolog query language</LI><LI>Performing full-text search</LI></UL><P>The engine can keep topic maps in memory or store them in a relational database. The API to the engine is the same in both cases, so that applications can switch backends without changing anything more than the configuration. The following databases are supported:<BR></P><UL><LI>Oracle 8 or newer</LI><LI>Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or newer</LI><LI>PostgreSQL 7.4 or newer</LI><LI>MySQL 5.0 or newer</LI><LI>h2 version 1.1 or newer<BR></LI></UL> (The engine)
  • <P>The Vizigator shows graphical visualizations of the structure of a topic map, which can be very useful for seeing larger patterns in complex data, or simply as a visually attractive and user-friendly alternative way of displaying the topic map.<BR><BR>The Vizigator has two parts: <STRONG>VizDesktop</STRONG>, a graphical interface for configuring the visualization, and <STRONG>Vizlet</STRONG>, a Java applet for displaying visualizations on the web. Using VizDesktop it is possible to configure which topic and association types to show, their shapes, sizes, colours, and fonts, attaching icons, and generally tuning the visualization for best results.<BR><BR>Setting up a visualization requires no programming, just creating a configuration in VizDesktop and deploying the applet together with the necessary web service interface on the server side.<BR></P> (Graphical visualization)
  • <P>The automatic classification module can process textual content in many different formats to extract the keywords which identify what the content is about. This can be used to automatically classify content into a topic map, or to provide suggestions for classification to users so that they can fine-tune the classification.</P><P>The input to the module is a file in some format. The module will extract the textual content from the file and process it to find the appropriate keywords for the content, which can then be used to classify the content. Each extracted keyword has an associated score (a number between 0 and 1), which indicates how relevant the keyword is to the content.</P><P>For example, processing <A href="http://www.ontopia.net/topicmaps/materials/tm-vs-thesauri.html" mce_href="http://www.ontopia.net/topicmaps/materials/tm-vs-thesauri.html">the Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps! paper</A> using the module produces the following output:</P><UL><LI>topic maps, 1.0</LI><LI>Dublin Core metadata, 0.98</LI><LI>subject-based classification, 0.41</LI><LI>faceted classification, 0.34</LI><LI>metadata, 0.25</LI><LI>controlled vocabulary, 0.21</LI></UL><P>This could be used to automatically create topics for each keyword that receives a score higher than, say, 0.15, and automatically associate these topics with the classified content, thus automatically building a topic map.</P><P>The module supports formats like XML, HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word (binary and OOXML), Microsoft Powerpoint (binary and OOXML), and support for more formats can be added easily. It also supports English and Norwegian, but, again, support for more languages can be plugged in easily.</P> (Automatic classification)
  • <P>This US organization is the chief provider of maritime intelligence for a large community of government intelligence services and their clients. Like most things military, the information base is vast, not just in sheer size, but in its breadth and historical scope. In the past, skilled analysts combed search results for insights and relationships, which just wound up in more documents. They decided to use Topic Maps and Ontopia to provide timely and precise answers for specific questions.<BR><BR>Read more about this application in the white paper <A href="http://www.innodata-isogen.com/resources/case_studies/oni_cs.pdf" mce_href="http://www.innodata-isogen.com/resources/case_studies/oni_cs.pdf">Organizing Mountains of Information into Actionable Data: ONI relies on Topic Maps to improve search capabilities</A> prepared by our partner, Innodata Isogen.<BR></P> (Office of Naval Intelligence)
  • <P>Using the DB2TM module relational data can be automatically converted into Topic Maps data, either over JDBC or from a CSV file. The conversion uses a simple declarative XML file to describe the mapping from relational data to Topic Maps. It is possible to invoke custom Java code from the XML file in order to perform necessary transformations during the conversion.<BR><BR>In addition to supporting simple conversions the DB2TM module also supports synchronization, which means that it is possible to use the DB2TM module to automatically keep the topic map up to date as changes occur in the database.<BR></P> (Database conversion)
  • <p><p>Morpheus is a Dutch knowledge engineering company, founded in 1999. Morpheus delivers solutions to facilitate knowledge intensive processes in the field of security, publishing and education. The services it delivers include consulting activities, design and implementation. We enrich information sources, improve search facilities, develop information management-, content publishing- and knowledge tools.</p><p>Our clients are, among others, the Dutch police and the House of Representatives. Morpheus is an Ontopia expert (providing two committers to the project) and has vast expertise on the Topic Maps standard and semantics in general. For several years active in standardization-bodies and the topic maps community and a regular contributor in international topic maps conferences such as Topic Maps (in Norway) and TMRA (Germany).</p></p> (Morpheus Kennistechnologie BV)
  • <p>The Ontopia product only accepts modules which are developed, tested, and documented to a commercial standard, which makes the bar for new submissions rather high. In order to make it easier for the community to share useful modules we have established the Ontopia Forge, which contains all kinds of modules related to Ontopia contributed by the community. Currently the following modules are available:</p> <ul> <li><a title="An implementation of" href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/TomaImplementation" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/wiki/TomaImplementation">An implementation of</a> the Toma query language</li> <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/tmphoto/" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/tmphoto/">tmphoto</a>, a web photo gallery based on Ontopia</li> <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/trunk/sandbox/tmcl-owl" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/trunk/sandbox/tmcl-owl">tmcl-owl</a>, converters between RDFS/OWL and TMCL</li> <li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fliferay-integration" mce_href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fliferay-integration">An Ontopia/Liferay integration</a></li> <li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fsolr-utils" mce_href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fsolr-utils/">A faceted search implementation</a> using Apache Solr</li> <li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Ftmcl-validator" mce_href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Ftmcl-validator">A TMCL reference implementation</a> </li><li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/tmql/" mce_href="http://code.google.com/p/tmql/">The TMQL4J engine</a> (plugs into the Omnigator query plug-in)</li><li><a href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fsdshare" mce_href="https://code.google.com/p/ontopia/source/browse/#svn%2Fsandbox%2Fsdshare">An SDshare implementation</a> (see <a href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/ontopia-gets-an-sdshare-implementation/" mce_href="http://ontopia.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/ontopia-gets-an-sdshare-implementation/">blog post</a>)</li> </ul> <p>If you want to contribute a module of your own, to be hosted in the Ontopia Subversion repository or externally, please contact us.</p> (Ontopia Forge)
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