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Mozartfest 1999-06-17

Type(s): Concert

Internal Occurrences (2)

  • Comment
    • I arranged for a meeting of the Reference Works Module Club to coincide with this particular concert and STEP invited everyone along. I remember Tibor, Holger, Anke, Ryszard, Jacek, Rafael, Petter Henriksen, Håkon Bergset being there, at least, as well as people from Dansk Gyldendal and BIFAB. The occasion was memorable for several reasons: I got to see Sylvia in a dress for the first time (she and I were not yet official, so the situation was a bit special); and the Gran Partita was one of the pieces we played at Dad's funeral (it's one of my favourite pieces by Mozart and I once played it myself). The venue, Würzburg's Residenz is an amazing baroque palace. The Symphony No. 34, normally only 3 movements, included the Minuet KV409, which, according to the program notes, was probably added to the symphony for a performance in Vienna.
  • Date
    • 1999-06-17
Object id: 2256
Item identifier(s):