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Marmorhallen 2006-09-25

Type(s): Concert

Internal Occurrences (2)

  • Comment
    • This concert celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Shostakovich and included a lecture by music professor Jon-Roar Bjørkvold. Most of the pieces were unfamiliar, but the whole concert was very enjoyable: I've had the 24 Preludes and Fugues for several years but never really got into them. Hearing Nos. 12 and 15 live was a revelation. We sat at a table with Gisle Kverndokk, whose "Heksevirvler" we had heard back in March, and Guri Egge's husband, whose name I forgot.
  • Date
    • 2006-09-25
Object id: 2367
Item identifier(s):