Tapsa’s Concerts | Filter | Export | Statistics | Query
Internal Occurrences (1)
- A note that helps to clarify the meaning of a concept.
Occurrences of this Type (4)
Included for compatibility with Kanzaki's ontology. (Musical group)
Included for compatibility with Kanzaki's ontology. (Artist)
Kanzaki uses ev:location (http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/v2.1/ontology/event.owl#location) as the property connecting a musical event to a venue. This is a supertype of the property used in this topic map and not a direct equivalent. (Performed at)
Naming conventions: Work + date (if the event comprises a single work, e.g. an opera) OR event name (+ date, if required for disambiguation) OR performer name + date (if single performer) OR venue name + date (if multiple performers). Dates should always be in ISO 8601 format. (Musical event)