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Type(s): Occurrence type; Public system topic

Subject Identifiers (2)

Internal Occurrences (1)

Occurrences of this Type (18)

  • A group that performs some work of art, such as a a rock group, string quartet, orchestra, etc. (Group)
  • A relationship between a track and the album to which it belongs. (Belongs to album)
  • A textual description of the topic. (Description)
  • An album of any type of music. (Album)
  • An example of a topic map based on the MyMusic ontology for a music collection. (Jill's Music)
  • An individual performer of some work of art, such as a singer, pianist, conductor, etc. (Individual Artist)
  • An track on an audio recording. (Track)
  • Casual, informal, or shortened name by which someone or something is known. (Nickname)
  • Classic stuff. Easily the best of the "early" Beatles. It's one of the most romantic albums by The Beatles. If you want to have a sweet, cozy night with your soulmate. (A Hard Day's Night)
  • Considered to be an absolute masterpiece because of all the conceptual ideas behind it. It showed how far the Beatles could go in their songwriting. (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)
  • Heart-throb 60's group. (The Beatles)
  • Individual associated with a group. (Member)
  • Relationship between an individual artist and a group. (Is a Member of)
  • Superclass describing performer(s) of some work of art. Can be an individual, pop group, orchestra, conductor, etc. (Artist)
  • The creator of the topic. (Creator)
  • The freshest-sounding McCartney album in years. (Chaos and Creation in the Backyard)
  • The relationship between an album and the artist that created it. (Album created by)
  • The version of the topic. (Version)
Object id: 64
Item identifier(s):