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Oslo Phil 2006-10-27

Type(s): Concert

Internal Occurrences (2)

  • Comment
    • This evening started at San Lorenzo, where we had dinner with Carol and her husband Torstein (talking, among other things, about South Africa and our common friend, Selwyn Davidowitz, who does excellent tours of the Cape Town area). I was particularly looking forward to Coriolan, which I remember playing in an ad-hoc orchestra at Blackheath (under the baton of one Bob Pepper - what's "navnebror" in English?) back in the early '70s, but I found Previn's interpretation to lack the defiant Beethovenian spirit, both here and in the 4th. The Mozart was pleasant, with sparks of passion in the middle section of the last movement, and Elise Båtnes played very sweetly. Afterwards Carol and Torstein thanked us profusely for taking them to their first symphony concert for decades, and I promised to pick another one for us in a few months time.
  • Date
    • 2006-10-27

External Occurrences (1)

Object id: 2035
Item identifier(s):