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Association structure summary

Type#Role typesRole player types
Containment 126 Containee | Container Featural | Script family | Alphabet | Abugida | Syllabary | Abjad | Script category | Script | Script group | Logosyllabary
Contains codes for 4 Item type | Standard Standard
Created by 37 Creator | Creation Featural | Alphabet | Abugida | Syllabary | Person | Script | Logosyllabary
Created by 1 Creator | Creation Alphabet | Person
Creator 1 Resource | Value Person
Deciphered by 1 Person | Script Abjad | Person
Deciphered by 2 Person | Script Syllabary | Person | Logosyllabary
Deciphered by 15 Person | Script Abugida | Syllabary | Abjad | Person | Logosyllabary
Defined by 38 Standard | Standards body Company | Character encoding | Standard | Standards body | Character set
Defines standards for 2 Standards body | Country Standards body | Country
Derivation 114 Successor | Predecessor Featural | Alphabet | Abugida | Syllabary | Abjad | Script | Logosyllabary
Encodes 13 Character encoding | Character set Character encoding | Character set
Encodes 1 Character set Character set
Extension of 9 Original | Extended Character encoding | Character set
Format 1 Resource | Value Format
Influence 2 Influenced | Influence Alphabet | Abjad
Part of 29 Containee | Container Province | Country
Publisher 1 Resource | Value Company
Spoken in 236 Language | Geographic region Language | Province | Country
Subclass of 10 Subclass | Superclass
Subject 2 Resource | Value
Supports 76 Supported | Supporter Featural | Character encoding | Alphabet | Abugida | Syllabary | Abjad | Software product | Logosyllabary | Character set
Transformation from 12 Source | Method Language | Featural | Alphabet | Abugida | Abjad | Transcription | Transliteration
Transformation to 12 Target | Method Alphabet | Transcription | Transliteration
Type 1 Resource | Value Type
Writing direction 85 Direction of writing | Script Featural | Alphabet | Abugida | Direction of writing | Syllabary | Abjad | Script | Logosyllabary
Written in 263 Language | Script Language | Featural | Alphabet | Abugida | Syllabary | Abjad | Script | Logosyllabary