Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContentStoreIF

Uses of ContentStoreIF in net.ontopia.infoset.content

Classes in net.ontopia.infoset.content that implement ContentStoreIF
 class FileContentStore
          INTERNAL: A content store implementation based on the file system.
 class InMemoryContentStore
          INTERNAL: Content store implementation that saves everything in memory.
 class JDBCContentStore
          INTERNAL: Content store implementation on top of JDBC that uses a non-native sequence generator to generate keys.
 class JDBCSequenceContentStore
          INTERNAL: Content store implementation on top of JDBC that uses native database sequences to generate keys.

Methods in net.ontopia.infoset.content that return ContentStoreIF
static ContentStoreIF ContentStoreUtils.getContentStore(TopicMapIF topicmap, java.util.Map<?,?> properties)
          Returns a content store for content stored in the given topic map.
protected  ContentStoreIF ContentStoreServlet.getContentStore(TopicMapIF tm, javax.servlet.ServletContext ctxt)
static ContentStoreIF JDBCContentStore.getInstance(TopicMapIF topicmap)
static ContentStoreIF InMemoryContentStore.getInstance(TopicMapIF topicmap)

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