Interface LocatorIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLocator, DataTypeLocator, GenericLocator, RDBMSLocator, SourceLocator, SubjectIndicatorLocator, SubjectLocator, URIFragmentLocator, URILocator

public interface LocatorIF

PUBLIC: Locators that refer to resources. Implementations of this interface must implement the toString(), equals() and hashCode() methods. Note that the result of toString() must include not just the locator itself but also the notation name. Implementations should always be immutable.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAddress()
          PUBLIC: Returns the locator address in absolute and normalized form.
 java.lang.String getExternalForm()
          PUBLIC: Returns the address of the locator in external form; that is, with special characters that need to be escaped escaped using the escape syntax of the locator notation.
 java.lang.String getNotation()
          PUBLIC: Gets the locator notation.
 LocatorIF resolveAbsolute(java.lang.String address)
          PUBLIC: Given a locator address string that is relative to this locator, return an absolute locator.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getNotation()
PUBLIC: Gets the locator notation. The default notation is URI. Ontopia will never use notation names which begin with 'x-'. Notation names are case-insensitive.

Note that only the URI notation is supported in release OKS 4.0 and newer.


java.lang.String getAddress()
PUBLIC: Returns the locator address in absolute and normalized form. Whether addresses are case-sensitive or not depends on the locator notation.


LocatorIF resolveAbsolute(java.lang.String address)
PUBLIC: Given a locator address string that is relative to this locator, return an absolute locator. If the input locator address is absolute the returned locator object will simply contain that absolute locator address.


java.lang.String getExternalForm()
PUBLIC: Returns the address of the locator in external form; that is, with special characters that need to be escaped escaped using the escape syntax of the locator notation.


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