Class TopicMapEvents

  extended by

public class TopicMapEvents
extends java.lang.Object

PUBLIC: Utility class for registering topic map life cycle events.

There is currently only listener support for topics added or removed. The listeners will receive callbacks after the transaction has been committed. This means that the listeners will only see committed changes.

Use the addTopicListener and removeTopicListener methods to register and unregister your listeners.

Here is an example of how you can register a listener:

 TopicMapRepositoryIF rep = TopicMaps.getRepository();
 String topicmapId = "mytopicmap";
 TopicMapReferenceIF ref = repository.getReferenceByKey(topicmapId);
 TopicMapListenerIF myListener = new MyTopicListener();
 TopicMapEvents.addTopicListener(ref, myListener);

Note that you should only register your listener once.


Method Summary
static void addTopicListener(TopicMapReferenceIF topicmapRef, TopicMapListenerIF listener)
          PUBLIC: Call this method to register a topic listener with a given topic map.
static void removeTopicListener(TopicMapReferenceIF topicmapRef, TopicMapListenerIF listener)
          PUBLIC: Call this method to unregister a topic listener with a given topic map.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void addTopicListener(TopicMapReferenceIF topicmapRef,
                                    TopicMapListenerIF listener)
PUBLIC: Call this method to register a topic listener with a given topic map. The topic listener will receive callbacks on the objectAdded and objectRemoved when a transaction has been committed that has added topics to or removed topics from the given topic map.


public static void removeTopicListener(TopicMapReferenceIF topicmapRef,
                                       TopicMapListenerIF listener)
PUBLIC: Call this method to unregister a topic listener with a given topic map. This is the opposite of calling addTopicListener.

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