Interface DataSourceIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
CSVDataSource, JDBCDataSource

public interface DataSourceIF

INTERNAL: A data source interface. This interface is used to represent a data source that is capable of returning a stream of tuples for a limited number of relations.

Method Summary
 void close()
          INTERNAL: Closes the data source so that it can release any open resources.
 ChangelogReaderIF getChangelogReader(Changelog changelog, java.lang.String startOrder)
          INTERNAL: Returns a changelog reader.
 java.lang.String getMaxOrderValue(Changelog changelog)
          INTERNAL: Returns the maximum value of the order column for the specified changelog.
 TupleReaderIF getReader(java.lang.String relation)
          INTERNAL: Returns a tuple reader for the given relation.
 java.util.Collection getRelations()
          INTERNAL: Returns the relations that the data source knows of.

Method Detail


java.util.Collection getRelations()
INTERNAL: Returns the relations that the data source knows of. The collection return contains Relation instances.


TupleReaderIF getReader(java.lang.String relation)
INTERNAL: Returns a tuple reader for the given relation.


ChangelogReaderIF getChangelogReader(Changelog changelog,
                                     java.lang.String startOrder)
INTERNAL: Returns a changelog reader.


java.lang.String getMaxOrderValue(Changelog changelog)
INTERNAL: Returns the maximum value of the order column for the specified changelog.


void close()
INTERNAL: Closes the data source so that it can release any open resources.

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