Class TopicMapSourceManager

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry.TopicMapSourceManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TopicMapSourceManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements TopicMapRepositoryIF

INTERNAL: This is the primary implementation of the TopicMapRepositoryIF interface. This class also implements the TopicMapSourceIF interface making it a topic map source that behaves as a facade for the results of multiple topic map sources.

The reference keys used are the reference ids retrieved from reference.getId(). An exception will be thrown if there are duplicate reference keys.

The sources that are added to the repository must have unique ids. If the source id is not specified, the source cannot be looked up by id.

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,TopicMapReferenceIF> keyrefs
protected  java.util.Map<TopicMapReferenceIF,java.lang.String> refkeys
protected  boolean refreshed
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,TopicMapSourceIF> smap
protected  java.util.Set<TopicMapSourceIF> sources
Constructor Summary
TopicMapSourceManager(java.util.Collection<TopicMapSourceIF> sources)
TopicMapSourceManager(TopicMapSourceIF source)
Method Summary
 void addSource(TopicMapSourceIF source)
          PUBLIC: Adds the source to the repository.
 void close()
          PUBLIC: Closes the repository and releases all resources bound by the repository.
protected  java.lang.String createReferenceKey(TopicMapReferenceIF ref)
          INTERNAL: Creates a unique id.
 TopicMapStoreIF createStore(java.lang.String refkey, boolean readonly)
          PUBLIC: Creates a new topic map store for the given topic map id.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getIds()
          Deprecated. replaced by getReferenceKeys()
 TopicMapReferenceIF getReferenceById(java.lang.String reference_id)
          Deprecated. replaced by getReferenceByKey(String)
 TopicMapReferenceIF getReferenceByKey(java.lang.String key)
          PUBLIC: Gets a topic map reference by its reference key.
 java.lang.String getReferenceKey(TopicMapReferenceIF ref)
          PUBLIC: Gets the key used to identify the reference in the repository.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getReferenceKeys()
          PUBLIC: Returns a collection containing the keys of all references.
 java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> getReferences()
          PUBLIC: Returns a collection containing all references.
 TopicMapSourceIF getSourceById(java.lang.String source_id)
          PUBLIC: Returns the topic map source that has the given source id.
 java.util.Collection<TopicMapSourceIF> getSources()
          PUBLIC: Returns an immutable collection containing the TopicMapSourceIFs registered with the topic map repository.
 boolean hasId(java.lang.String reference_id)
          Deprecated. use 'getReferenceByKey(key) != null' instead
 void refresh()
          PUBLIC: Refreshes all sources and recreates the reference map.
 void removeSource(TopicMapSourceIF source)
          PUBLIC: Removes the source from the repository.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Set<TopicMapSourceIF> sources


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,TopicMapSourceIF> smap


protected boolean refreshed


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,TopicMapReferenceIF> keyrefs


protected java.util.Map<TopicMapReferenceIF,java.lang.String> refkeys
Constructor Detail


public TopicMapSourceManager()


public TopicMapSourceManager(TopicMapSourceIF source)


public TopicMapSourceManager(java.util.Collection<TopicMapSourceIF> sources)
Method Detail


public java.util.Collection<TopicMapReferenceIF> getReferences()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Returns a collection containing all references.

Specified by:
getReferences in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getReferenceKeys()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Returns a collection containing the keys of all references.

Specified by:
getReferenceKeys in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public TopicMapReferenceIF getReferenceByKey(java.lang.String key)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Gets a topic map reference by its reference key. Returns null if not found.

Specified by:
getReferenceByKey in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public java.lang.String getReferenceKey(TopicMapReferenceIF ref)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Gets the key used to identify the reference in the repository.

Specified by:
getReferenceKey in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public TopicMapStoreIF createStore(java.lang.String refkey,
                                   boolean readonly)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Creates a new topic map store for the given topic map id. This method effectively delegates the call to the underlying topic map reference. An exception is thrown if the topic map reference cannot be found or any errors occurs while loading it.

Specified by:
createStore in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public TopicMapSourceIF getSourceById(java.lang.String source_id)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Returns the topic map source that has the given source id.

Specified by:
getSourceById in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public java.util.Collection<TopicMapSourceIF> getSources()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Returns an immutable collection containing the TopicMapSourceIFs registered with the topic map repository.

Specified by:
getSources in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public void addSource(TopicMapSourceIF source)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Adds the source to the repository.

Specified by:
addSource in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public void removeSource(TopicMapSourceIF source)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Removes the source from the repository.

Specified by:
removeSource in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public void refresh()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Refreshes all sources and recreates the reference map.

Specified by:
refresh in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


protected java.lang.String createReferenceKey(TopicMapReferenceIF ref)
INTERNAL: Creates a unique id. This method is used by the refresh method to generate unique ids for topic map references.


public void close()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapRepositoryIF
PUBLIC: Closes the repository and releases all resources bound by the repository. Closing the repository will also close any open topic map references held by the topic map repository.

Specified by:
close in interface TopicMapRepositoryIF


public TopicMapReferenceIF getReferenceById(java.lang.String reference_id)
Deprecated. replaced by getReferenceByKey(String)

INTERNAL: Gets the reference that has the given id.


public boolean hasId(java.lang.String reference_id)
Deprecated. use 'getReferenceByKey(key) != null' instead

INTERNAL: Returns true if the manager manages a reference with the given id.


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getIds()
Deprecated. replaced by getReferenceKeys()

INTERNAL: Gets the ids of the references managed by this manager.

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