Interface PredicateFactoryIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
PredicateFactory, PredicateFactory

public interface PredicateFactoryIF

INTERNAL: Implemented by classes which can create PredicateIF objects.

Method Summary
 ModuleIF createModule(java.lang.String uri)
          INTERNAL: Creates a module instance for the specified URI.
 PredicateIF createPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
          INTERNAL: Creates a rule predicate for the parsed rule.
 PredicateIF createPredicate(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Looks up a built-in predicate by its name.
 PredicateIF createPredicate(TopicIF type, boolean assoc)
          INTERNAL: Creates a dynamic predicate for the given topic; either an association predicate or an occurrence predicate, depending on the value of the assoc parameter.
 boolean isBuiltInPredicate(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Used to find out if the given predicate name is the name of a built-in predicate.

Method Detail


PredicateIF createPredicate(java.lang.String name)
INTERNAL: Looks up a built-in predicate by its name.


PredicateIF createPredicate(ParsedRule rule)
INTERNAL: Creates a rule predicate for the parsed rule.


PredicateIF createPredicate(TopicIF type,
                            boolean assoc)
INTERNAL: Creates a dynamic predicate for the given topic; either an association predicate or an occurrence predicate, depending on the value of the assoc parameter.


ModuleIF createModule(java.lang.String uri)
INTERNAL: Creates a module instance for the specified URI. If the predicate factory does not recognize the URI null is returned.


boolean isBuiltInPredicate(java.lang.String name)
INTERNAL: Used to find out if the given predicate name is the name of a built-in predicate. Needed for error checking, see bug #1082.

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