Interface VizFrontEndIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
VizDesktop, Vizlet

public interface VizFrontEndIF

EXPERIMENTAL: Interface to abstract the Vizigator front ends, and allow for future front end implementations without changes to the base code (i.e. eclipse plugin) (VizDesktop and Vizlet).

Method Summary
 void configureFilterMenus()
          Set up the menus to control the filters
 java.lang.String getConfigURL()
          Get the URL of the config file
 ApplicationContextIF getContext()
          Get the appropriate ApplicationContextIF for this front end.
 boolean getDefaultControlsVisible()
          Are the controls to this front end visible by default?
 TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
          Return the topic map that this front end is displaying
 TypesConfigFrame getTypesConfigFrame(VizController controller, boolean isTopicConfig)
          Returns the configuration frame that can be used to set colors for either Topics or Associations
 java.lang.String getWallpaper()
          Get the url of the wallpaper for the background.
 boolean mapPreLoaded()
          Return true if this front end loads the topic map before generating any display, false if the display is generated before the map is loaded.
 void setNewTypeColor(TopicIF type, java.awt.Color c)
          set the color on a specific topic type
 boolean useGeneralConfig()
          Does this front end use the general configuration.

Method Detail


boolean getDefaultControlsVisible()
Are the controls to this front end visible by default?

true if the controls should be visible by default, false otherwise.


boolean mapPreLoaded()
Return true if this front end loads the topic map before generating any display, false if the display is generated before the map is loaded. In general, front ends that do not allow for the map to be changed (servlets, etc) will pass in a single map, while the desktop application allows you to load and change the map.

true if the map is loaded before the display is initialized, false otherwise


boolean useGeneralConfig()
Does this front end use the general configuration. Some front ends (desktop) use the VizGeneralConfigurationManager, while others exclusively use the VizTopicMapConfigurationManager.

true if VizGeneralConfigurationManager is supported, false otherwise


TypesConfigFrame getTypesConfigFrame(VizController controller,
                                     boolean isTopicConfig)
Returns the configuration frame that can be used to set colors for either Topics or Associations

controller -
isTopicConfig - - is this a Topic or Association configuration frame
configuration frame - if True return TopicConfigurationFrame, else return AssociationConfigFrame


ApplicationContextIF getContext()
Get the appropriate ApplicationContextIF for this front end.

ApplicationContextIF for this front end


TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
Return the topic map that this front end is displaying

current topic map


void configureFilterMenus()
Set up the menus to control the filters


void setNewTypeColor(TopicIF type,
                     java.awt.Color c)
set the color on a specific topic type

type -
c -


java.lang.String getWallpaper()
Get the url of the wallpaper for the background.

URL of the wallpaper file, null if no wallpaper


java.lang.String getConfigURL()
Get the URL of the config file

URL of the config file, null if the default is to be used

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