Uses of Class

Packages that use TMAbstractNode

Uses of TMAbstractNode in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz

Subclasses of TMAbstractNode in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz
 class TMAssociationNode
          INTERNAL: Node class representing n-ary associations as nodes.
 class TMTopicNode
          INTERNAL: Node class representing topics.

Fields in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz declared as TMAbstractNode
protected  TMAbstractNode HighlightNode.node

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz that return TMAbstractNode
 TMAbstractNode VizController.getFocusNode()
 TMAbstractNode TopicMapView.getFocusNode()
protected  TMAbstractNode VizigatorUser.pickRandomNode()
protected  TMAbstractNode VizigatorUser.pickRandomNode(TopicIF type)
 TMAbstractNode NodeRecoveryObjectIF.recoverNode(TopicMapView view)
 TMAbstractNode CreateTMTopicNode.recoverNode(TopicMapView view)
 TMAbstractNode CreateTMAssociationNode.recoverNode(TopicMapView view)

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz with parameters of type TMAbstractNode
protected  void VizController.addToHidden(TMAbstractNode target, com.touchgraph.graphlayout.Node source, java.util.Vector hidden)
 void VizController.collapseNode(TMAbstractNode node)
 void TopicMapView.createAssociations(TMAbstractNode abstractNode)
          Creates all edges for this node, including type -> instance, instance -> type, and ordinary associations.
 void TopicMapView.createAssociations(TMAbstractNode abstractNode, boolean create)
 void TopicMapView.createAssociations(TMAbstractNode abstractNode, boolean create, boolean createEdgesToExistingNodes)
          Creates all edges for this node, including type -> instance, instance -> type, and ordinary associations.
 void VizController.expandNode(TMAbstractNode node)
 void VizController.focusNode(TMAbstractNode node)
          Set the given node to be the focus node.
protected  void TopicMapView.focusNode(TMAbstractNode node)
 void DesktopContext.focusNode(TMAbstractNode aNode)
 void ApplicationContextIF.focusNode(TMAbstractNode aNode)
          Set the node as the focus of the map
 void AppletContext.focusNode(TMAbstractNode aNode)
 void VizController.focusNodeInternal(TMAbstractNode node)
          Set the given node to be the focus node.
 boolean TMAbstractNode.hasPathTo(TMAbstractNode target, java.util.Set visited)
 void VizController.hideNode(TMAbstractNode node)
          Delete a node, all incident edges and all nodes and edges that no longer have a path to the focus node as a consequence of this.
 void TopicMapView.hideNode(TMAbstractNode node)
          Delete a node, all incident edges and all nodes and edges that no longer have a path to the focus node as a consequence of this.
protected  void TopicMapView.lenientAddNode(TMAbstractNode node)
          This method was created as a work-around for bug #1898, which happens when two nodes have the same ID (the second node failing to get added to tgPanel.
 void VizController.loadNode(TMAbstractNode node)
 java.util.Collection TopicMapView.loadNodesInLocality(TMAbstractNode startNode, boolean create, boolean delete)
          If create is true, adds all nodes within locality's reach that were not already visible.
protected  void TopicMapView.queueInForeground(TMAbstractNode node)
protected  void VizController.setHighlightNode(TMAbstractNode node, java.awt.Graphics g)
protected  void TopicMapView.setHighlightNode(TMAbstractNode node, java.awt.Graphics g)
 void HighlightNode.setNode(TMAbstractNode node, java.awt.Graphics g)

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