Uses of Interface

Packages that use VizTMObjectIF

Uses of VizTMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz

Subinterfaces of VizTMObjectIF in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz
 interface VizTMAssociationIF

Classes in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz that implement VizTMObjectIF
 class TMAbstractEdge
          INTERNAL: Common abstract superclass for all edges representing Topic Maps constructs.
 class TMAssociationEdge
          INTERNAL: Edge class representing binary associations as edges.
 class TMAssociationNode
          INTERNAL: Node class representing n-ary associations as nodes.
 class TMClassInstanceAssociation
          INTERNAL: Edge class used to represent "Class - Instance" associations.
 class TMRoleEdge
          INTERNAL: Edge class representing association roles as edges in n-ary associations connecting role player with the association node.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz that return VizTMObjectIF
protected  VizTMObjectIF TopicMapView.findObject(java.lang.Object object, TopicIF type)
protected  VizTMObjectIF TopicMapView.makeAssociation(AssociationIF assoc, TMTopicNode activePlayer, boolean create)
          Create an associations, or, in the case of an n-ary association, if the activePlayer is not null, create the associatin node itself and then only the role that active player is involved in.

Methods in net.ontopia.topicmaps.viz with parameters of type VizTMObjectIF
protected  void TopicMapView.addAssociation(VizTMObjectIF object)
 void TopicMapView.deleteEdge(VizTMObjectIF vizTMObject)
 void TopicMapView.deleteEdgeUndoable(VizTMObjectIF edge)
 void TopicMapView.deleteSingleEdge(VizTMObjectIF edge)

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