Interface ActionIF

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTopicMapAction, AddBasename, AddExtOccurrence, AddExtVariant, AddIntOccurrence, AddIntVariant, AddLogMessageAction, AddRole, AddSourceLocator, AddSubjectIndicator, AddTheme, AddType, AssignRolePlayer, AssignRolePlayers, AssignUnaryAssociation, CreateAssoc, CreateReifiedAssociation, CreateReifiedOccurrence, CreateTopic, DefaultAction, DeferredAction, Delete, DummyAction, EvaluateLTM, LastModifiedAt, OSLValidate, RemovePlayer, RemoveRole, RemoveSourceLocator, RemoveSubjectIndicator, RemoveTheme, RemoveType, RemoveType, SetForwardAction, SetLocator, SetLocator, SetLocator2, SetObject, SetPassword, SetPlayer, SetScope, SetSourceLocator, SetSubjectIndicator, SetSubjectIndicator2, SetSubjectLocator, SetType, SetType, SetValue, SetValue, SetValue, SetValue2, SetValueUnique, SetValueUnique, TologDelete, TologDeleteFixed, UploadFile

public interface ActionIF

PUBLIC: Interface for server-side actions which update the topic map or otherwise act on information received from client-side forms.

Method Summary
 void perform(ActionParametersIF params, ActionResponseIF response)
          PUBLIC: Performs the action using the values provided by the params parameter.

Method Detail


void perform(ActionParametersIF params,
             ActionResponseIF response)
             throws ActionRuntimeException
PUBLIC: Performs the action using the values provided by the params parameter.

The whole set of available parameters and attributes are summarized in the request object, to allow the action access to further relevant information.

ActionRuntimeException - Thrown if a problem occurs while executing the action.

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