Interface ActionContextIF

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ActionContextIF

INTERNAL: Stores parameters (key-value pairs: where key is the name of the parameter and value is a String objects)

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection getAllActions()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the ActionData objects created for this request, whether triggered or not.
 java.util.Collection getParameterNames()
          INTERNAL: Gets all parameter names stored in this map.
 java.util.Map getParameters()
          INTERNAL: Gets all the parameter key value pairs.
 java.lang.String getParameterSingleValue(java.lang.String paramName)
          INTERNAL: Checks that for the given parameter name exactly one value is available and returns this.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(java.lang.String paramName)
          INTERNAL: Gets the parameter values (as a String array) belonging to the given parameter name.
 UserIF getUser()
          INTERNAL: Gets the user object who executed the requests and in which authority the consequenctly executed actions run.

Method Detail


UserIF getUser()
INTERNAL: Gets the user object who executed the requests and in which authority the consequenctly executed actions run.


java.util.Map getParameters()
INTERNAL: Gets all the parameter key value pairs.

A map containing String object as keys and values.


java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(java.lang.String paramName)
INTERNAL: Gets the parameter values (as a String array) belonging to the given parameter name.


java.lang.String getParameterSingleValue(java.lang.String paramName)
INTERNAL: Checks that for the given parameter name exactly one value is available and returns this.


java.util.Collection getParameterNames()
INTERNAL: Gets all parameter names stored in this map. Convenience method.

A collection of String objects.


java.util.Collection getAllActions()
INTERNAL: Returns all the ActionData objects created for this request, whether triggered or not.

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