Interface FieldInformationIF

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FieldInformationIF

INTERNAL: Container for storing information about an input field used for displaying an form as part of the user interface.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getColumns()
          INTERNAL: Gets the number of character columns for this field.
 java.lang.String getMaxLength()
          INTERNAL: Gets the maximum number of characters allowed for this field to be typed in by the user.
 java.lang.String getName()
          INTERNAL: Gets the name of the input field.
 java.lang.String getRows()
          INTERNAL: Gets the number of rows for this field.
 java.lang.String getType()
          INTERNAL: Gets the type of the input field.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
INTERNAL: Gets the name of the input field.


java.lang.String getType()
INTERNAL: Gets the type of the input field. Allowed values are "text" (default) and "textarea".


java.lang.String getMaxLength()
INTERNAL: Gets the maximum number of characters allowed for this field to be typed in by the user.


java.lang.String getColumns()
INTERNAL: Gets the number of character columns for this field.


java.lang.String getRows()
INTERNAL: Gets the number of rows for this field.

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