Class NamedLockManager

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.utils.NamedLockManager

public class NamedLockManager
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: Class to handle basic lock controlling for objects in the web editor framework.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 LockResult attemptToLock(UserIF user, java.util.Collection objects, java.lang.String nameBase, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, java.util.ResourceBundle resBundle)
          INTERNAL: Attempts to lock all the objects in the input collection and assigns name to the collection for later retrieval.
 void clear()
          INTERNAL: For testing purposes only.
 int lockCountFor(java.lang.Object user)
          INTERNAL: Returns the number of locks held by the user.
 boolean ownsLock(UserIF user, java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the user owns the given lock.
 void releaseLocksFor(UserIF user)
          INTERNAL: Releases all the locks that the user owns.
 void unlock(UserIF user, java.lang.String name, boolean forced)
          INTERNAL: If forced is false, unlocks the lock with the given 'name' for the given user.
static boolean usesTimedLockExpiry(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the session has support for time-based lock expiry.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NamedLockManager()
Method Detail


public LockResult attemptToLock(UserIF user,
                                java.util.Collection objects,
                                java.lang.String nameBase,
                                javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
                                java.util.ResourceBundle resBundle)
INTERNAL: Attempts to lock all the objects in the input collection and assigns name to the collection for later retrieval.


public void unlock(UserIF user,
                   java.lang.String name,
                   boolean forced)
INTERNAL: If forced is false, unlocks the lock with the given 'name' for the given user. If forced is true, unlocks all locks starting with the stem of 'name', the stem being defined as everything before and including the last '$' character. These locks are unlocked independent on which user locked them.


public boolean ownsLock(UserIF user,
                        java.lang.String name)
INTERNAL: Returns true if the user owns the given lock.


public void releaseLocksFor(UserIF user)
INTERNAL: Releases all the locks that the user owns.


public static boolean usesTimedLockExpiry(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session)
INTERNAL: Returns true if the session has support for time-based lock expiry. For internal and testing purposes only.


public int lockCountFor(java.lang.Object user)
INTERNAL: Returns the number of locks held by the user. For testing purposes only.


public void clear()
INTERNAL: For testing purposes only.

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