Uses of Class

Packages that use User

Uses of User in ontopoly

Methods in ontopoly that return User
 User OntopolyAccessStrategy.authenticate(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Attempts to authenticate a user with given name and password.
 User OntopolyAccessStrategy.autoAuthenticate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Automatically authenticates a user based on a request made.
protected  User OntopolySession.getUser()

Methods in ontopoly with parameters of type User
 OntopolyAccessStrategy.Privilege OntopolyAccessStrategy.getPrivilege(User user, FieldInstance fieldInstance)
          Resolves the privilege of a user for the provided field.
 OntopolyAccessStrategy.Privilege OntopolyAccessStrategy.getPrivilege(User user, Topic topic)
          Resolves the privilege of a user for the provided topic.
protected  void OntopolySession.setUser(User user)

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