Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifeCycleListener

Uses of LifeCycleListener in ontopoly.components

Methods in ontopoly.components that return LifeCycleListener
protected  LifeCycleListener ConfirmDeletePanel.getListener()

Uses of LifeCycleListener in ontopoly.fileupload

Methods in ontopoly.fileupload that return LifeCycleListener
protected abstract  LifeCycleListener UploadIFrame.getLifeCycleListener()

Uses of LifeCycleListener in ontopoly.model

Methods in ontopoly.model with parameters of type LifeCycleListener
 void FieldInstance.addValue(java.lang.Object value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Add a new FieldValue object.
 void RoleField.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Adds an instance topic to the other side of an association an instance topic takes part in.
 void QueryField.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Not supported.
 void OccurrenceField.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
 void NameField.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Adds a name to a topic.
 void IdentityField.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Replaces a subject locator of or adds a subject identifier to a topic.
abstract  void FieldDefinition.addValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
 void Topic.remove(LifeCycleListener listener)
          Removes the topic from the topic map.
 void AssociationField.remove(LifeCycleListener listener)
 void FieldInstance.removeValue(java.lang.Object value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Removes the value.
 void RoleField.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Removes an instance topic from the other side of an association an instance topic takes part in.
 void QueryField.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Not supported.
 void OccurrenceField.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
 void NameField.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Removes a name from a topic.
 void IdentityField.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)
          Removes the subject locator or a subject identifier from a topic.
abstract  void FieldDefinition.removeValue(Topic topic, java.lang.Object _value, LifeCycleListener listener)

Uses of LifeCycleListener in ontopoly.pages

Classes in ontopoly.pages that implement LifeCycleListener
 class AbstractOntopolyErrorPage
 class AbstractOntopolyPage
 class AbstractProtectedOntopolyPage
 class AbstractTypesPage
 class AccessDeniedPage
 class AdminPage
 class AssociationTransformPage
 class AssociationTypesPage
 class ConvertPage
 class DescriptionPage
 class EmbeddedHierarchicalInstancePage
 class EmbeddedInstancePage
 class EnterTopicPage
 class InstancePage
 class InstancesPage
 class InstanceTypesPage
 class InternalErrorPage
 class InternalErrorPageWithException
 class NameTypesPage
 class NonOntopolyAbstractPage
 class OccurrenceTypesPage
 class OntopolyAbstractPage
 class PageExpiredErrorPage
 class RoleTypesPage
 class SearchPage
 class SignInPage
 class SignOutPage
 class StartPage
 class TopicTypesPage
 class UpgradePage
 class VizigatorPage

Methods in ontopoly.pages that return LifeCycleListener
 LifeCycleListener AbstractOntopolyPage.getListener()

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