Uses of Class

Packages that use TopicType

Uses of TopicType in ontopoly.components

Fields in ontopoly.components with type parameters of type TopicType
protected  TopicModel<TopicType> AddOrRemoveTypeFunctionBoxPanel.selectedModel

Methods in ontopoly.components with parameters of type TopicType
protected  Topic FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.createInstance(TopicType topicType)
protected  void FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.onClick(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target, TopicType selectedTopicType)
protected  void FieldInstanceCreatePlayerPanel.showInstancePage(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target, Topic topic, TopicType topicType, org.apache.wicket.Component c)

Uses of TopicType in ontopoly.model

Methods in ontopoly.model that return TopicType
 TopicType TopicMap.createTopicType(java.lang.String name)
 TopicType FieldAssignment.getDeclaredTopicType()
          Returns the topic type.
 TopicType Topic.getMostSpecificTopicType(TopicType topicType)
          Given the topic type, find the subtype that is the specific type of this topic.
 TopicType TopicType.getSuperType()
          Returns the supertype of this type, or null if there is none.
 TopicType FieldAssignment.getTopicType()
          Returns the topic type.
 TopicType TopicMap.getTopicTypeById(java.lang.String id)

Methods in ontopoly.model that return types with arguments of type TopicType
 java.util.Collection<TopicType> RoleField.getAllowedPlayerTypes(Topic currentTopic)
 java.util.Collection<TopicType> TopicType.getAllSubTypes()
          Gets the all subtypes (direct and indirect) of this type.
 java.util.Collection<TopicType> RoleField.getDeclaredPlayerTypes()
          Gets the topic types that have been declared as valid and which may play the other roles in this association type.
 java.util.Collection<TopicType> TopicType.getDirectSubTypes()
          Gets the direct subtypes of this type.
 java.util.List<TopicType> TopicMap.getRootTopicTypes()
          Returns a list of the topic types that is not a system topic type.
 java.util.List<TopicType> TopicMap.getTopicTypes()
          Returns a list of the topic types that is not a system topic type.
 java.util.List<TopicType> Topic.getTopicTypes()
          Returns the topic types of which this topic is a direct instance.
 java.util.List<TopicType> TopicMap.getTopicTypesWithLargeInstanceSets()
          Returns a list of the topic types that is not a system topic type.

Methods in ontopoly.model with parameters of type TopicType
 void Topic.addTopicType(TopicType type)
          Adds the topic type to the list of topic types that topic is a direct instance of.
 java.util.List<FieldInstance> Topic.getFieldInstances(TopicType topicType)
 java.util.List<FieldInstance> Topic.getFieldInstances(TopicType topicType, FieldsView fieldsView)
 TopicType Topic.getMostSpecificTopicType(TopicType topicType)
          Given the topic type, find the subtype that is the specific type of this topic.
 int FieldAssignment.getOrder(TopicType t)
          Returns the ordering key of the field on the topic type sent in as an argument.
 void LifeCycleListener.onAfterCreate(Topic topic, TopicType topicType)
 void Topic.removeTopicType(TopicType type)
          Removes the topic type from the list of topic types that topic is a direct instance of.

Constructors in ontopoly.model with parameters of type TopicType
FieldAssignment(TopicType topicType, TopicType declaredTopicType, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition)
          Creates a new field assignment object.
FieldAssignment(TopicType topicType, TopicType declaredTopicType, FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, int cachedOrder)

Uses of TopicType in ontopoly.models

Methods in ontopoly.models that return TopicType
 TopicType TopicTypeModel.getTopicType()
protected  TopicType TopicTypeModel.load()

Methods in ontopoly.models that return types with arguments of type TopicType
protected  java.util.List<TopicType> PlayerTypesModel.load()
protected  java.util.List<TopicType> AvailableTopicTypesModel.load()

Constructors in ontopoly.models with parameters of type TopicType
TopicTypeModel(TopicType topicType)

Uses of TopicType in ontopoly.pages

Methods in ontopoly.pages that return TopicType
protected  TopicType EmbeddedInstancePage.getTopicType()

Methods in ontopoly.pages with parameters of type TopicType
protected  org.apache.wicket.model.IModel<javax.swing.tree.TreeModel> ModalFindPage.getTreeModel(TopicType _topicType)
 boolean AbstractOntopolyPage.isCreateAllowed(Topic parent, FieldDefinition fdParent, TopicType childType, FieldDefinition fdChild)
 void AbstractOntopolyPage.onAfterCreate(Topic topic, TopicType topicType)

Uses of TopicType in ontopoly.utils

Methods in ontopoly.utils that return TopicType
static TopicType OntopolyUtils.getDefaultTopicType(Topic topic)
          Returns the topic type that is the default topic type amongst the topic types of the topic.

Methods in ontopoly.utils with parameters of type TopicType
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel TreeModels.createInstancesTreeModel(TopicType topicType, boolean isAdminEnabled)
static javax.swing.tree.TreeModel TreeModels.createInstancesTreeModel2(TopicType topicType, boolean isAdminEnabled)

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