Interface DocumentIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericDocument, LuceneDocument, RDBMSDocument, TopicMapDocument

public interface DocumentIF

INTERNAL: Represents an indexable unit of information. A document contains named fields which can have values of the types String or Reader.

Method Summary
 void addField(FieldIF field)
          INTERNAL: Adds the given field to the document.
 FieldIF getField(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Returns the field with the specified name.
 java.util.Collection<FieldIF> getFields()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the fields of this document.
 void removeField(FieldIF field)
          INTERNAL: Removes the given field from the document.

Method Detail


FieldIF getField(java.lang.String name)
INTERNAL: Returns the field with the specified name.


java.util.Collection<FieldIF> getFields()
INTERNAL: Returns all the fields of this document.

A collection of FieldIF objects.


void addField(FieldIF field)
INTERNAL: Adds the given field to the document.


void removeField(FieldIF field)
INTERNAL: Removes the given field from the document.

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