Interface DocumentProcessorIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLocatorDocumentProcessor, DocumentPreloaderProcessor, Locator2ContentProcessor

public interface DocumentProcessorIF

INTERNAL: Interface for processing a document. Implementations would typically modify, add or remove fields.

Method Summary
 boolean needsProcessing(DocumentIF document)
          INTERNAL: Can be used to figure out if it is necessary to process the document.
 void process(DocumentIF document)
          INTERNAL: Processes the specified document.

Method Detail


boolean needsProcessing(DocumentIF document)
INTERNAL: Can be used to figure out if it is necessary to process the document.

This method should be used to quickly decide whether or not the document needs to be processed. Note that this method should return quickly, since it would normally be executed serially.

Returns true if the document should be processed.


void process(DocumentIF document)
             throws java.lang.Exception
INTERNAL: Processes the specified document.


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