Interface StorageIF

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StorageIF

INTERNAL: Interface for accessing storage definitions.

This class is similar to the JDO PersistenceManagerFactory interface.

Method Summary
 void close()
          INTERNAL: Closes the storage definition, which allows it to free its resources.
 TransactionIF createTransaction(boolean readonly)
          INTERNAL: Creates a new storage access instance.
 java.lang.Object getHelperObject(int identifier, IdentityIF namespace)
          INTERNAL: Returns the shared caches.
 RDBMSMapping getMapping()
          INTERNAL: Returns the optimized object relational mapping declaration.
 java.util.Map getProperties()
          INTERNAL: Gets the properties held by the storage.
 java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String property)
          INTERNAL: Gets the value of the specified storage property.
 StorageCacheIF getStorageCache()
          INTERNAL: Returns the shared storage cache, if any.
 boolean isSharedCache()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if shared cache is enabled.
 void notifyCluster()
          INTERNAL: Notify cluster that transaction has been committed, so that batched cluster events can be broadcasted.

Method Detail


RDBMSMapping getMapping()
INTERNAL: Returns the optimized object relational mapping declaration.


boolean isSharedCache()
INTERNAL: Returns true if shared cache is enabled.


StorageCacheIF getStorageCache()
INTERNAL: Returns the shared storage cache, if any.


java.lang.Object getHelperObject(int identifier,
                                 IdentityIF namespace)
INTERNAL: Returns the shared caches.


void notifyCluster()
INTERNAL: Notify cluster that transaction has been committed, so that batched cluster events can be broadcasted.


TransactionIF createTransaction(boolean readonly)
INTERNAL: Creates a new storage access instance.


java.util.Map getProperties()
INTERNAL: Gets the properties held by the storage.


java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String property)
INTERNAL: Gets the value of the specified storage property.


void close()
INTERNAL: Closes the storage definition, which allows it to free its resources.

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