Interface Summary | |
AccessRegistrarIF | INTERNAL: Interface for receiving notification when data is being read from database storage. |
CacheIF | INTERNAL: Simple interface used by innermost caches. |
CachesIF | INTERNAL: |
ClassAccessIF | INTERNAL: Interface for accessing class instances in the database. |
ClassInfoIF | INTERNAL: A interface for class descriptor-like object types that is used by the proxy implementation to access the information it needs about the object relational class descriptor in an optimized manner. |
ClusterIF | INTERNAL: Cluster implementation interface. |
ConnectionFactoryIF | INTERNAL: An interface for creating/requesting new JDBC connection object. |
EvictableIF | INTERNAL: Simple interface used by helper objects for invalidation purposes. |
FieldAccessIF | INTERNAL: Interface for reading and updating object field values. |
FieldHandlerIF | INTERNAL: Interface for use by classes that retrieve field values from result sets and bind values in prepared statements. |
FieldInfoIF | INTERNAL: A field descriptor-like class that is used by the RDBMS proxy implementation to access the information it needs about the object relational field descriptor in an optimized manner. |
FlushableIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by data repository accessors that needs to be informed when changes to the repository needs to be performed. |
IdentityIF | INTERNAL: Interface used to represent data store object identity. |
KeyGeneratorIF | INTERNAL: Interface for generating new object identities. |
ObjectAccessIF | INTERNAL: A object access implementation for manipulation of identifiable objects. |
ObjectRelationalMappingIF | INTERNAL: An object relational mapping wrapper class used by the RDBMS proxy implementation. |
PersistentIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by all data objects used by the proxy framework. |
QueryIF | INTERNAL: Interface for representing queries. |
QueryResultIF | INTERNAL: Interface for representing two-dimensional (or potentially even N-dimensional) query results. |
StorageAccessIF | INTERNAL: Interface that encapsulates the access to the actual data repository. |
StorageCacheIF | INTERNAL: Interface used by the transaction to get hold of objects and object field values. |
StorageIF | INTERNAL: Interface for accessing storage definitions. |
TicketIF | INTERNAL: A simple ticket interface. |
TrackableCollectionIF | INTERNAL: Interface used by Collection implementations that track the changes performed on them. |
TransactionalLookupIndexIF<K,E> | INTERNAL: Interface shared by the lookup indexes that look up data in the backend storage. |
TransactionEventListenerIF | INTERNAL: Interface for receiving notification when transaction life-cycle events occur. |
TransactionIF | INTERNAL: Interface that manages object transactions using the proxy framework. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractConnectionFactory | INTERNAL: Abstract connection factory implementation that holds common connection properties. |
AbstractFieldInfo | INTERNAL: An abstract field info class containing the common behaviour for FieldInfoIFs. |
AbstractLocalCache | INTERNAL: A transactional storage cache implementation. |
AbstractROPersistent | INTERNAL: An abstract PersistentIF implementation that handles most of the machinery needed to implement persistent objects. |
AbstractRWPersistent | INTERNAL: An abstract PersistentIF implementation that handles most of the machinery needed to implement persistent objects. |
AbstractTransaction | INTERNAL: The default proxy transaction implementation. |
AggregateFieldInfo | INTERNAL: A field that references an aggregate class. |
AtomicIdentity | INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with only a single key. |
CacheEntry | INTERNAL: Class used by storage caches to hold field values for a single object. |
ClassDescriptor | INTERNAL: Class used for holding object relational mapping class declarations. |
ClassInfo | INTERNAL: A class descriptor-like class that is used by the RDBMS proxy implementation to access the information it needs about the object relational class descriptor in an optimized manner. |
ClusteredCache | INTERNAL: CacheIF implementation that wraps a Map and notified the cluster about removals. |
ContentInputStream | INTERNAL: InputStream that knows its length. |
ContentReader | INTERNAL: Reader that knows its length. |
DBCPConnectionFactory | INTERNAL: Apache Commons DBCP connection factory implementation. |
DefaultCache | INTERNAL: CacheIF implementation that wraps a Map. |
DefaultCaches | INTERNAL: Default caches. |
DefaultConnectionFactory | INTERNAL: Connection factory that uses java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(...). |
DefaultFieldHandler | INTERNAL: The default field handler implementation that is able to read values from result sets and bind values in prepared statements without any particular knowledge about fields. |
FieldDescriptor | INTERNAL: Class used for holding object relational mapping field declarations. |
FieldUtils | INTERNAL: Class containing utility methods for processing descriptor information. |
HighLowKeyGenerator | INTERNAL: A key generator using the HIGH/LOW key generator algorithm. |
Identity | INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with more than a single key. |
IdentityCollectionWrapper | INTERNAL: A set implementation that wraps an identity collection and presents the underlying collection as if it had PersistentIF instances inside. |
IdentityFieldInfo | INTERNAL: A field that represents the identity of instances of a class. |
IndicatorFieldHandler | INTERNAL: The indicator field handler implementation that is able to... |
JGroupsCaches | INTERNAL: Caches used by JGroups cluster. |
JGroupsCluster | INTERNAL: Class that represents a cluster of OKS instances. |
JGroupsEvent | INTERNAL: |
JNDIConnectionFactory | INTERNAL: Connection factory that retrieves javax.sql.DataSource from the JNDI environment given a JNDI name. |
LongIdentity | INTERNAL: Class used for representing data store object identities with only a single long key. |
ObjectRelationalMapping | INTERNAL: The generic object relational mapping definition class. |
ObjectStates | INTERNAL: A data structure that keeps track of the objects that has been touched within the transaction boundaries. |
OnDemandValue | INTERNAL: |
PersistentIterator | INTERNAL: Iterator that iterates over an iterator of IdentityIF values and looks up the objects in the transaction. |
PersistentObjectAccess | INTERNAL: Object access for objects implementing the PersistentIF interface. |
PrimitiveFieldInfo | INTERNAL: A field that references a primitive value class. |
QueryCache | INTERNAL: A storage access implementation accessing relational databases using JDBC. |
QueryCollection<E> | INTERNAL: Immutable Collection implementation that delegates its data retrieval to QueryIFs. |
QueryDeclarations | INTERNAL: Class that is able to read named query definitions from an XML representation. |
QueryDescriptor | INTERNAL: Class used for loading and managing SQL query declarations. |
QueryResultIterator<E> | INTERNAL: Interator wrapper class for QueryResultIFs. |
RDBMSAccess | INTERNAL: A storage access implementation accessing relational databases using JDBC. |
RDBMSMapping | INTERNAL: An object relational mapping wrapper class used by the RDBMS proxy implementation. |
RDBMSStorage | INTERNAL: A storage definition implementation for relational databases. |
ReadOnlySet | INTERNAL: A set implementation that track the changes performed on it. |
ReferenceFieldInfo | INTERNAL: A field that references objects. |
ROLocalCache | INTERNAL: A transactional read-only storage cache implementation. |
ROTransaction | INTERNAL: The read-only proxy transaction implementation. |
RWLocalCache | INTERNAL: A transactional storage cache implementation. |
RWTransaction | INTERNAL: The read-write proxy transaction implementation. |
SharedCache | INTERNAL: A shared storage cache implementation. |
SQLBatchManyToManyReference | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating M:M reference fields in the database. |
SQLBatchObjectAccess | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of creating new objects in the database. |
SQLBatchOneToManyAggregate | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:M aggregate fields in the database. |
SQLBatchOneToManyReference | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:M reference fields in the database. |
SQLBatchOneToOne | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:1 fields in the database. |
SQLCollectionAccess | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating "collection" type instances in the database. |
SQLGenerator | INTERNAL: Utility class that can generate SQL statements. |
SQLManyToManyReference | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating M:M reference fields in the database. |
SQLObjectAccess | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating "identifiable object type" instances in the database. |
SQLOneToManyAggregate | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:M aggregate fields in the database. |
SQLOneToManyReference | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:M reference fields in the database. |
SQLOneToOne | INTERNAL: Class that performs the task of accessing and manipulating 1:1 fields in the database. |
SQLReader | INTERNAL: Reader that knows its length. |
SQLTypes | INTERNAL: Utility class for handling access to columns by proper SQL type. |
StatisticsCache | INTERNAL: A transactional storage cache implementation. |
TrackableLazySet | INTERNAL: A set implementation that track the changes performed on it. |
TrackableSet | INTERNAL: A set implementation that track the changes performed on it. |
TransactionalLRULookupIndex | INTERNAL: |
TransactionalSoftHashMapIndex | INTERNAL: |
WrappedIdentity | INTERNAL: Class used for wrapping other identities. |
Exception Summary | |
IdentityNotFoundException | INTERNAL: Thrown when an object was not found in the database. |
PersistenceException | INTERNAL: Thrown when persistence related problems occur. |
PersistenceRuntimeException | INTERNAL: Thrown when persistence related problems occur. |
ReadOnlyTransactionException | INTERNAL: Thrown when modifications are attempted on a read-only transaction. |
TransactionNotActiveException | INTERNAL: Thrown when persistence related problems occur. |
An object-relational mapping framework.