Class RWLocalCache

  extended by net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractLocalCache
      extended by net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.RWLocalCache
All Implemented Interfaces:
AccessRegistrarIF, StorageCacheIF

public class RWLocalCache
extends AbstractLocalCache

INTERNAL: A transactional storage cache implementation. The cache uses the transaction to lookup objects and relies on the fact that PersistentIFs can store their own data.

Field Summary
protected  ObjectStates ostates
Fields inherited from class net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractLocalCache
pcache, pregistrar, ticket, txn
Method Summary
 boolean exists(StorageAccessIF access, IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Can be called to verify whether the specified identity exists in the cache or in the data repository.
 java.lang.Object getValue(StorageAccessIF access, IdentityIF identity, int field)
          INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractLocalCache
clear, close, createIdentity, createIdentity, createIdentity, evictField, evictFields, evictIdentity, getRegistrar, getTicket, isFieldLoaded, isObjectLoaded, prefetch, registerEviction, registerField, registerIdentity, releaseEviction
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ObjectStates ostates
Method Detail


public boolean exists(StorageAccessIF access,
                      IdentityIF identity)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Can be called to verify whether the specified identity exists in the cache or in the data repository. Whether the data repository is actually asked depends on the policy of the storage cache.

Specified by:
exists in interface StorageCacheIF
Specified by:
exists in class AbstractLocalCache


public java.lang.Object getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
                                 IdentityIF identity,
                                 int field)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage. The field value will be returned.

Specified by:
getValue in interface StorageCacheIF
Specified by:
getValue in class AbstractLocalCache


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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