Interface AccessRegistrarIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLocalCache, ROLocalCache, RWLocalCache, SharedCache

public interface AccessRegistrarIF

INTERNAL: Interface for receiving notification when data is being read from database storage. This interface is usually implemented by the various cache implementations, which maintains a copy of the known database state.

Method Summary
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, long key)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object key)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object[] keys)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 TicketIF getTicket()
          INTERNAL: Get ticket that should be used as first argument to register methods.
 void registerField(TicketIF ticket, IdentityIF identity, int field, java.lang.Object value)
          INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (FieldAccessIF) when they read the value of an object field from the database.
 void registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket, IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (QueryIFs or FieldAccessIF) when they locate the identity of an object in the database.

Method Detail


IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                          long key)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key is guaranteed to have a width of 1 and key value which a Long.


IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                          java.lang.Object key)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key is guaranteed to have a width of 1.


IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                          java.lang.Object[] keys)
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key can have any width.


TicketIF getTicket()
INTERNAL: Get ticket that should be used as first argument to register methods. The ticket is used figure out if value should be registered or not.


void registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket,
                      IdentityIF identity)
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (QueryIFs or FieldAccessIF) when they locate the identity of an object in the database.


void registerField(TicketIF ticket,
                   IdentityIF identity,
                   int field,
                   java.lang.Object value)
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (FieldAccessIF) when they read the value of an object field from the database.

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