Class AbstractLocalCache

  extended by net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractLocalCache
All Implemented Interfaces:
AccessRegistrarIF, StorageCacheIF
Direct Known Subclasses:
ROLocalCache, RWLocalCache

public abstract class AbstractLocalCache
extends java.lang.Object
implements StorageCacheIF, AccessRegistrarIF

INTERNAL: A transactional storage cache implementation. The cache uses the transaction to lookup objects and relies on the fact that PersistentIFs can store their own data.

Field Summary
protected  StorageCacheIF pcache
protected  AccessRegistrarIF pregistrar
protected  TicketIF ticket
protected  AbstractTransaction txn
Method Summary
 void clear(boolean notifyCluster)
          INTERNAL: Clears the cache.
 void close()
          INTERNAL: Releases all resources used by the storage cache.
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, long key)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object key)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object[] keys)
          INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects.
 void evictField(IdentityIF identity, int field, boolean notifyCluster)
          INTERNAL: Evict the identity's field value from the cache.
 void evictFields(IdentityIF identity, boolean notifyCluster)
          INTERNAL: Evict all the identity's field values from the cache.
 void evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity, boolean notifyCluster)
          INTERNAL: Evict the identity from the cache.
abstract  boolean exists(StorageAccessIF access, IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Can be called to verify whether the specified identity exists in the cache or in the data repository.
 AccessRegistrarIF getRegistrar()
          INTERNAL: Returns the access registrar instance that is used by the storage cache.
 TicketIF getTicket()
          INTERNAL: Get ticket that should be used as first argument to register methods.
abstract  java.lang.Object getValue(StorageAccessIF access, IdentityIF identity, int field)
          INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage.
 boolean isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity, int field)
          INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the specfied field has been registered with the cache.
 boolean isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the identity has been registered with the cache.
 int prefetch(StorageAccessIF access, java.lang.Object type, int field, int nextField, boolean traverse, java.util.Collection identities)
 void registerEviction()
          INTERNAL: Tells the cache that eviction is starting.
 void registerField(TicketIF ticket, IdentityIF identity, int field, java.lang.Object value)
          INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (FieldAccessIF) when they read the value of an object field from the database.
 void registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket, IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (QueryIFs or FieldAccessIF) when they locate the identity of an object in the database.
 void releaseEviction()
          INTERNAL: Deregister eviction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AbstractTransaction txn


protected StorageCacheIF pcache


protected AccessRegistrarIF pregistrar


protected TicketIF ticket
Method Detail


public AccessRegistrarIF getRegistrar()
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Returns the access registrar instance that is used by the storage cache. If it does not need an access registrar, or it does not have one, null is returned.

Specified by:
getRegistrar in interface StorageCacheIF


public void close()
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Releases all resources used by the storage cache.

Specified by:
close in interface StorageCacheIF


public abstract boolean exists(StorageAccessIF access,
                               IdentityIF identity)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Can be called to verify whether the specified identity exists in the cache or in the data repository. Whether the data repository is actually asked depends on the policy of the storage cache.

Specified by:
exists in interface StorageCacheIF


public abstract java.lang.Object getValue(StorageAccessIF access,
                                          IdentityIF identity,
                                          int field)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: A call forwarded by the transaction (TransactionIF) from persistent objects (PersistentIF) when the field value needs to be retrieved from storage. The field value will be returned.

Specified by:
getValue in interface StorageCacheIF


public boolean isObjectLoaded(IdentityIF identity)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the identity has been registered with the cache. The data repository will not be asked.

Specified by:
isObjectLoaded in interface StorageCacheIF


public boolean isFieldLoaded(IdentityIF identity,
                             int field)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Can be called to check if the specfied field has been registered with the cache. The data repository will not be asked.

Specified by:
isFieldLoaded in interface StorageCacheIF


public void registerEviction()
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Tells the cache that eviction is starting.

Specified by:
registerEviction in interface StorageCacheIF


public void releaseEviction()
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Deregister eviction.

Specified by:
releaseEviction in interface StorageCacheIF


public void evictIdentity(IdentityIF identity,
                          boolean notifyCluster)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Evict the identity from the cache.

Specified by:
evictIdentity in interface StorageCacheIF


public void evictFields(IdentityIF identity,
                        boolean notifyCluster)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Evict all the identity's field values from the cache.

Specified by:
evictFields in interface StorageCacheIF


public void evictField(IdentityIF identity,
                       int field,
                       boolean notifyCluster)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Evict the identity's field value from the cache.

Specified by:
evictField in interface StorageCacheIF


public void clear(boolean notifyCluster)
Description copied from interface: StorageCacheIF
INTERNAL: Clears the cache.

Specified by:
clear in interface StorageCacheIF


public int prefetch(StorageAccessIF access,
                    java.lang.Object type,
                    int field,
                    int nextField,
                    boolean traverse,
                    java.util.Collection identities)
Specified by:
prefetch in interface StorageCacheIF


public IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                                 long key)
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key is guaranteed to have a width of 1 and key value which a Long.

Specified by:
createIdentity in interface AccessRegistrarIF


public IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                                 java.lang.Object key)
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key is guaranteed to have a width of 1.

Specified by:
createIdentity in interface AccessRegistrarIF


public IdentityIF createIdentity(java.lang.Object type,
                                 java.lang.Object[] keys)
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Factory method for creating new identity objects. Key can have any width.

Specified by:
createIdentity in interface AccessRegistrarIF


public TicketIF getTicket()
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Get ticket that should be used as first argument to register methods. The ticket is used figure out if value should be registered or not.

Specified by:
getTicket in interface AccessRegistrarIF


public void registerIdentity(TicketIF ticket,
                             IdentityIF identity)
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (QueryIFs or FieldAccessIF) when they locate the identity of an object in the database.

Specified by:
registerIdentity in interface AccessRegistrarIF


public void registerField(TicketIF ticket,
                          IdentityIF identity,
                          int field,
                          java.lang.Object value)
Description copied from interface: AccessRegistrarIF
INTERNAL: Called by storage accessors (FieldAccessIF) when they read the value of an object field from the database.

Specified by:
registerField in interface AccessRegistrarIF

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