Class FieldDescriptor

  extended by net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.FieldDescriptor

public class FieldDescriptor
extends java.lang.Object

INTERNAL: Class used for holding object relational mapping field declarations. It is used by the ObjectRelationalMapping class.

A field descriptor contains information about fields of object classes defined in object relational mappings. A field descriptor belongs to a single class descriptor.

Field Summary
protected  int cardinality
protected  ClassDescriptor cdesc
protected  java.lang.Class collection_class
protected  java.lang.String[] columns
protected  java.lang.String getter
protected  java.lang.reflect.Method getter_method
protected  java.lang.String[] joinkeys
protected  java.lang.String jointable
static int MANY_TO_MANY
          Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a M:M relationship.
protected  java.lang.String[] manykeys
protected  ObjectRelationalMapping mapping
protected  java.lang.String name
static int ONE_TO_MANY
          Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a 1:M relationship.
static int ONE_TO_ONE
          Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a 1:1 relationship.
protected  boolean readonly
protected  boolean required
protected  java.lang.String setter
protected  java.lang.reflect.Method setter_method
protected  java.lang.Class value_class
Constructor Summary
FieldDescriptor(java.lang.String name, ClassDescriptor cdesc)
Method Summary
 int getCardinality()
          INTERNAL: Gets the field cardinality.
 ClassDescriptor getClassDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Gets the class descriptor that the field descriptor belongs to.
 java.lang.Class getCollectionClass()
          INTERNAL: Returns the collection class to store the field values in if the field is a 1:M and M:M field.
 java.lang.String[] getColumns()
          INTERNAL: Returns the names of the columns referenced by the field.
 java.lang.String getGetter()
          INTERNAL: Returns the method name for getting the field value from class instances.
 java.lang.reflect.Method getGetterMethod()
          INTERNAL: Returns the method for getting the field value from class instances.
 java.lang.String[] getJoinKeys()
          INTERNAL: Gets the columns that contains the keys referencing the master table.
 java.lang.String getJoinTable()
          INTERNAL: Gets the name of the table which needs to be joined to order to access the field via the master table.
 java.lang.String[] getManyKeys()
          INTERNAL: Gets the columns that contains the keys in the jointable that references the field table.
 java.lang.String getName()
          INTERNAL: Returns the name of the descriptor field (the mapped field).
 java.lang.String getSetter()
          INTERNAL: Returns the method name for setting the field value of class instances.
 java.lang.reflect.Method getSetterMethod()
          INTERNAL: Returns the method for setting the field value of class instances.
 java.lang.String getTable()
          INTERNAL: Returns the name of the table in which the field is stored.
 java.lang.Class getValueClass()
          INTERNAL: Gets the field value class.
 ClassDescriptor getValueClassDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Gets the class descriptor of the field value class.
 boolean isAggregateField()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is an aggregate field.
 boolean isCollectionField()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a collection field (a cardinality of 1:1 or 1:M).
 boolean isExternal()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is stored in a different table from the master table.
 boolean isIdentityField()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is an identity field.
 boolean isManyToMany()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is M:M.
 boolean isOneToMany()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is 1:M.
 boolean isOneToOne()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is 1:1.
 boolean isPrimitiveField()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a primitive field.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if this field is read-only field.
 boolean isReferenceField()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a reference field.
 boolean isRequired()
          INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a required field.
 void setCardinality(int cardinality)
          INTERNAL: Sets the field cardinality.
 void setCollectionClass(java.lang.Class collection_class)
          INTERNAL: Sets the collection class to store the field values in if the field is a 1:M and M:M field.
 void setColumns(java.lang.String[] columns)
          INTERNAL: Sets the names of the columns referenced by the field.
 void setGetter(java.lang.String getter)
          INTERNAL: Sets the method name for getting the field value from class instances.
 void setGetterMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method getter_method)
          INTERNAL: Sets the method for getting the field value from class instances.
 void setJoinKeys(java.lang.String[] joinkeys)
          INTERNAL: Sets the columns that contains the keys referencing the master table.
 void setJoinTable(java.lang.String jointable)
          INTERNAL: Sets the name of the table which needs to be joined to order to access the field via the master table.
 void setManyKeys(java.lang.String[] manykeys)
          INTERNAL: Sets the columns that contains the keys in the jointable that references the field table.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readonly)
          INTERNAL: Sets whether the field is a read-only field or not.
 void setRequired(boolean required)
          INTERNAL: Sets whether the field is a required field or not.
 void setSetter(java.lang.String setter)
          INTERNAL: Sets the method name for setting the field value of class instances.
 void setSetterMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method setter_method)
          INTERNAL: Sets the method for setting the field value of class instances.
 void setValueClass(java.lang.Class value_class)
          INTERNAL: Sets the field value class.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ONE_TO_ONE
Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a 1:1 relationship.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ONE_TO_MANY
Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a 1:M relationship.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MANY_TO_MANY
Flag indicating that the descriptor field represents a M:M relationship.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected ObjectRelationalMapping mapping


protected ClassDescriptor cdesc


protected java.lang.String name


protected int cardinality


protected java.lang.Class value_class


protected boolean required


protected boolean readonly


protected java.lang.String getter


protected java.lang.String setter


protected java.lang.reflect.Method getter_method


protected java.lang.reflect.Method setter_method


protected java.lang.String[] columns


protected java.lang.String jointable


protected java.lang.String[] joinkeys


protected java.lang.String[] manykeys


protected java.lang.Class collection_class
Constructor Detail


public FieldDescriptor(java.lang.String name,
                       ClassDescriptor cdesc)
Method Detail


public ClassDescriptor getClassDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Gets the class descriptor that the field descriptor belongs to.


public java.lang.String getName()
INTERNAL: Returns the name of the descriptor field (the mapped field).


public int getCardinality()
INTERNAL: Gets the field cardinality.


public void setCardinality(int cardinality)
INTERNAL: Sets the field cardinality. This can be either ONE_TO_ONE, ONE_TO_MANY or MANY_TO_MANY.


public boolean isOneToOne()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is 1:1.


public boolean isOneToMany()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is 1:M.


public boolean isManyToMany()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field cardinality is M:M.


public boolean isCollectionField()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a collection field (a cardinality of 1:1 or 1:M).


public boolean isRequired()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a required field.


public void setRequired(boolean required)
INTERNAL: Sets whether the field is a required field or not.


public boolean isReadOnly()
INTERNAL: Returns true if this field is read-only field.


public void setReadOnly(boolean readonly)
INTERNAL: Sets whether the field is a read-only field or not.


public ClassDescriptor getValueClassDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Gets the class descriptor of the field value class. Note that primitive value classes don't have a class info.


public java.lang.Class getValueClass()
INTERNAL: Gets the field value class. For primitive fields the primitive wrapper class is returned.


public void setValueClass(java.lang.Class value_class)
INTERNAL: Sets the field value class. For primitive fields the primitive wrapper class should be used.


public boolean isIdentityField()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is an identity field.


public boolean isPrimitiveField()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a primitive field.


public boolean isReferenceField()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is a reference field.


public boolean isAggregateField()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is an aggregate field.


public java.lang.String getGetter()
INTERNAL: Returns the method name for getting the field value from class instances.


public void setGetter(java.lang.String getter)
INTERNAL: Sets the method name for getting the field value from class instances.


public java.lang.String getSetter()
INTERNAL: Returns the method name for setting the field value of class instances.


public void setSetter(java.lang.String setter)
INTERNAL: Sets the method name for setting the field value of class instances.


public java.lang.reflect.Method getGetterMethod()
INTERNAL: Returns the method for getting the field value from class instances.


public void setGetterMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method getter_method)
INTERNAL: Sets the method for getting the field value from class instances.


public java.lang.reflect.Method getSetterMethod()
INTERNAL: Returns the method for setting the field value of class instances.


public void setSetterMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method setter_method)
INTERNAL: Sets the method for setting the field value of class instances.


public java.lang.String getTable()
INTERNAL: Returns the name of the table in which the field is stored.


public boolean isExternal()
INTERNAL: Returns true if the field is stored in a different table from the master table.


public java.lang.String[] getColumns()
INTERNAL: Returns the names of the columns referenced by the field.


public void setColumns(java.lang.String[] columns)
INTERNAL: Sets the names of the columns referenced by the field.


public java.lang.String getJoinTable()
INTERNAL: Gets the name of the table which needs to be joined to order to access the field via the master table.


public void setJoinTable(java.lang.String jointable)
INTERNAL: Sets the name of the table which needs to be joined to order to access the field via the master table.


public java.lang.String[] getJoinKeys()
INTERNAL: Gets the columns that contains the keys referencing the master table.


public void setJoinKeys(java.lang.String[] joinkeys)
INTERNAL: Sets the columns that contains the keys referencing the master table.


public java.lang.String[] getManyKeys()
INTERNAL: Gets the columns that contains the keys in the jointable that references the field table.


public void setManyKeys(java.lang.String[] manykeys)
INTERNAL: Sets the columns that contains the keys in the jointable that references the field table.


public java.lang.Class getCollectionClass()
INTERNAL: Returns the collection class to store the field values in if the field is a 1:M and M:M field.


public void setCollectionClass(java.lang.Class collection_class)
INTERNAL: Sets the collection class to store the field values in if the field is a 1:M and M:M field.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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