Interface FieldAccessIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
SQLBatchManyToManyReference, SQLBatchOneToManyAggregate, SQLBatchOneToManyReference, SQLBatchOneToOne, SQLManyToManyReference, SQLOneToManyAggregate, SQLOneToManyReference, SQLOneToOne

public interface FieldAccessIF

INTERNAL: Interface for reading and updating object field values. The actual object field accessed by the implementation is not exposed by the interface.

Method Summary
 void clear(IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Clears the field value for the given object identity.
 java.lang.Object load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar, IdentityIF identity)
          INTERNAL: Loads the field value for the given object identity.
 java.lang.Object loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar, java.util.Collection identities, IdentityIF current)
          INTERNAL: Loads the field value for all the given object identities.
 void storeDirty(ObjectAccessIF oaccess, java.lang.Object object)
          INTERNAL: The object field is dirty and a call to this method should cause the field value to be updated.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object load(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
                      IdentityIF identity)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
INTERNAL: Loads the field value for the given object identity. The specified access registrar will be notified about the value(s) read from the database.

The value loaded for the specific field. Note that if the field is a reference field the identity will be returned, not the actual object. This is because the storage system does not deal with persistent object instances directly.
IdentityNotFoundException - if the identity was not found.


java.lang.Object loadMultiple(AccessRegistrarIF registrar,
                              java.util.Collection identities,
                              IdentityIF current)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
INTERNAL: Loads the field value for all the given object identities. The specified access registrar will be notified about the value(s) read from the database.

The value loaded for the specific field for the current identity. Note that if the field is a reference field the identity will be returned, not the actual object. This is because the storage system does not deal with persistent object instances directly.
IdentityNotFoundException - if the identity was not found.


void storeDirty(ObjectAccessIF oaccess,
                java.lang.Object object)
                throws java.lang.Exception
INTERNAL: The object field is dirty and a call to this method should cause the field value to be updated. Note that the field access may also store other field values if it decides to do so. After the field value(s) has been updated the dirty flag(s) should be set to false.



void clear(IdentityIF identity)
           throws java.lang.Exception
INTERNAL: Clears the field value for the given object identity. This method is only applicable for 1:M and M:M fields.


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