Class RDBMSQueryResult

  extended by net.ontopia.persistence.query.sql.RDBMSQueryResult
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RDBMSQueryResult
extends java.lang.Object
implements QueryResultIF

INTERNAL: QueryResultIF implementation that wraps a ResultSet.

Field Summary
protected  boolean lookup_identities
protected  java.sql.ResultSet rs
protected  SQLStatementIF stm
protected  TicketIF ticket
Constructor Summary
RDBMSQueryResult(SQLStatementIF stm, TicketIF ticket, java.sql.ResultSet rs)
RDBMSQueryResult(SQLStatementIF stm, TicketIF ticket, java.sql.ResultSet rs, boolean lookup_identities)
Method Summary
 void close()
          INTERNAL: Closes the query result, which allows it to free its resources.
protected  void finalize()
 java.lang.String getColumnName(int ix)
          PUBLIC: Returns the name of the given column.
 java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
          PUBLIC: Returns the names of the columns.
 java.lang.Object getValue(int index)
          INTERNAL: Get the value of the field with the specified index from the current result row.
 java.lang.Object[] getValues()
          INTERNAL: Get the values of all fields from the current result row.
 java.lang.Object[] getValues(java.lang.Object[] values)
          INTERNAL: Reads the values of all fields from the current result row into the specified array.
 int getWidth()
          INTERNAL: Returns the number of fields that each row in the query result set have.
 boolean next()
          INTERNAL: Skip to the next row in the query result set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected SQLStatementIF stm


protected TicketIF ticket


protected java.sql.ResultSet rs


protected boolean lookup_identities
Constructor Detail


public RDBMSQueryResult(SQLStatementIF stm,
                        TicketIF ticket,
                        java.sql.ResultSet rs)


public RDBMSQueryResult(SQLStatementIF stm,
                        TicketIF ticket,
                        java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                        boolean lookup_identities)
Method Detail


public int getWidth()
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Returns the number of fields that each row in the query result set have.

Specified by:
getWidth in interface QueryResultIF


public java.lang.String[] getColumnNames()
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
PUBLIC: Returns the names of the columns.

Specified by:
getColumnNames in interface QueryResultIF


public java.lang.String getColumnName(int ix)
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
PUBLIC: Returns the name of the given column. The column index is zero-based.

Specified by:
getColumnName in interface QueryResultIF


public java.lang.Object getValue(int index)
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Get the value of the field with the specified index from the current result row. The index is zero-based.

Specified by:
getValue in interface QueryResultIF


public java.lang.Object[] getValues()
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Get the values of all fields from the current result row.

Specified by:
getValues in interface QueryResultIF


public java.lang.Object[] getValues(java.lang.Object[] values)
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Reads the values of all fields from the current result row into the specified array.

Specified by:
getValues in interface QueryResultIF


public boolean next()
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Skip to the next row in the query result set. The method returns false if the skip was not valid, i.e. we're at the end of the result set.

Specified by:
next in interface QueryResultIF


public void close()
Description copied from interface: QueryResultIF
INTERNAL: Closes the query result, which allows it to free its resources.

Specified by:
close in interface QueryResultIF


protected void finalize()
                 throws java.lang.Throwable
finalize in class java.lang.Object

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