Interface Summary | |
DetachedQueryIF | INTERNAL: Interface for representing shared queries. |
ParameterProcessorIF | INTERNAL: Parameter processor makes sure that query parameters gets properly bound to statements. |
SQLAggregateIF | INTERNAL: Represents an aggregate function in a SQL query. |
SQLExpressionIF | INTERNAL: Represents an expression in a SQL query. |
SQLGeneratorIF | INTERNAL: Interface for generating SQL statements. |
SQLStatementIF | INTERNAL: Represents a concrete SQL query. |
SQLValueIF | INTERNAL: Represents a SQL value. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractSQLAnalyzer | INTERNAL: Class used to build SQL queries from JDO queries. |
AbstractSQLOptimizer | INTERNAL: Class used to build SQL queries from JDO queries. |
BooleanSQLOptimizer | INTERNAL: Class used to build SQL queries from JDO queries. |
CollectionParameterProcessor | INTERNAL: Parameter processor that embeds collection parameters inside SQL statements. |
DefaultParameterProcessor | INTERNAL: Parameter processor that binds parameters to SQL statements without any special preprocessing. |
EqualsSQLOptimizer | INTERNAL: SQL optimizer that removes A = A and A != A expressions. |
FilterSQLOptimizer | INTERNAL: Class used to build SQL queries from JDO queries. |
GenericSQLGenerator | INTERNAL: Generic SQL statement generator. |
MySQLGenerator | INTERNAL: MySQL SQL statement generator. |
OracleSQLGenerator | INTERNAL: Oracle SQL statement generator. |
PostgreSQLGenerator | INTERNAL: PostgreSQL SQL statement generator. |
RDBMSCollectionQuery | INTERNAL: RDBMS query implementation that performs queries that return a collection of object instances, ie. |
RDBMSMapQuery | INTERNAL: RDBMS query implementation that performs queries that return a map of key-value pairs, ie. |
RDBMSMatrixQuery | INTERNAL: RDBMS query implementation that performs queries that return an instance of QueryResultIF. |
RDBMSObjectQuery | INTERNAL: RDBMS query implementation that performs queries that return a single object instance. |
RDBMSQueryResult | INTERNAL: QueryResultIF implementation that wraps a ResultSet. |
RedundantTablesSQLOptimizer | INTERNAL: SQL optimizer that removes table- and column references that are redundant. |
SQLAggregate | INTERNAL: Represents an aggregate function in a SQL query. |
SQLAggregateReference | INTERNAL: Represents a set of columns from a given table. |
SQLAnd | INTERNAL: SQL logical expression: and |
SQLBuilder | INTERNAL: Class used to build SQL queries from JDO queries. |
SQLColumns | INTERNAL: Represents a set of columns from a given table. |
SQLEquals | INTERNAL: SQL condition: equals (=) |
SQLExists | INTERNAL: SQL condition: exists. |
SQLFalse | INTERNAL: SQL condition: expression that always evaluates to false |
SQLFunction | INTERNAL: SQL condition: any function; fn(arg1, ... |
SQLIn | INTERNAL: SQL condition: in. |
SQLIsNull | INTERNAL: SQL condition: is null |
SQLJoin | INTERNAL: SQL expression: join. |
SQLLike | INTERNAL: SQL condition: like |
SQLNot | INTERNAL: SQL logical expression: not |
SQLNotEquals | INTERNAL: SQL condition: not equals (!=) |
SQLNull | INTERNAL: SQL value: null. |
SQLOr | INTERNAL: SQL logical expression: or |
SQLOrderBy | INTERNAL: SQL order by statement. |
SQLParameter | INTERNAL: SQL value: parameter. |
SQLPrimitive | INTERNAL: SQL value: primitive. |
SQLQuery | INTERNAL: Represents an abstract SQL query. |
SQLServerSQLGenerator | INTERNAL: Microsoft SQL Server SQL statement generator. |
SQLSetOperation | INTERNAL: SQL set operation. |
SQLStatement | INTERNAL: The default SQL statement implementation. |
SQLTable | INTERNAL: Represents a reference to a table in a relation database. |
SQLTuple | INTERNAL: SQL value: tuple. |
SQLValueExpression | INTERNAL: SQL condition: equals (=) |
SQLValueReference | INTERNAL: A reference to another SQLValueIF. |
SQLVerbatim | INTERNAL: Represents a verbatim SQL expression value. |
SQLVerbatimExpression | INTERNAL: Represents a verbatim SQL expression. |
Object model for representing SQL queries.