Package net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms

Classes for managing relational database schemas.


Class Summary
Column INTERNAL: Represents the definition of a relational database column.
CSVExport INTERNAL: Command line tool for exporting comma- or semicolon separated files into a database.
CSVImport INTERNAL: Command line tool for importing comma- or semicolon separated files into a database.
DatabaseProjectReader INTERNAL: Class that can read a database schema definition from an XML representation.
DataType INTERNAL: Represents the definition of a relational database datatype.
DB2SQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the IBM db2 universal database platform.
DDLExecuter INTERNAL: Command line tool for creating and dropping database schemas directly in a database.
DDLWriter INTERNAL: Command line tool for producing DDL files for creating and dropping database schemas.
FirebirdSQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the firebird / interbase database platform.
GenericSQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the generic database platform.
Index INTERNAL: Represents the definition of a relational table index.
MySqlSQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the mysql database platform.
OracleSQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the oracle database platform.
PostgreSQLProducer INTERNAL: DDL statement generator for the PostgreSQL database platform.
Project INTERNAL: Class that holds a database schema definition.
SQLExecuter INTERNAL: Command line tool for executing SQL statements in a database referenced by a database properties file.
SQLServerSQLProducer INTERNAL: Class that generates DDL statements for the sqlserver database platform.
Table INTERNAL: Represents the definition of a relational database table.

Package net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms Description

Classes for managing relational database schemas.

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