Uses of Class

Packages that use Column
net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms Classes for managing relational database schemas. 

Uses of Column in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms

Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms that return Column
 Column Table.getColumnByName(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Gets a column by name.

Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms with parameters of type Column
 void Table.addColumn(Column column)
          INTERNAL: Adds the column to the table definition.
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.addForeignKey(Table table, Column col, java.lang.String keyname, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to add foreigns keys for the specified column.
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.dropConstraint(Table table, Column col, java.lang.String keyname, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to drop foreigns keys for the specified column.
 void Table.removeColumn(Column column)
          INTERNAL: Removes the column from the table definition.

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