Uses of Class

Packages that use Table
net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms Classes for managing relational database schemas. 

Uses of Table in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms

Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms that return Table
 Table Project.getTableByName(java.lang.String name)
          INTERNAL: Gets a table definition by name.

Methods in net.ontopia.persistence.rdbms with parameters of type Table
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.addForeignKey(Table table, Column col, java.lang.String keyname, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to add foreigns keys for the specified column.
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.addPrimaryKeys(Table table, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to add primary keys for the specified table.
 void Project.addTable(Table table)
          INTERNAL: Adds the table to the database schema.
protected  java.util.List MySqlSQLProducer.createIndexes(Table table, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to create indexes for the specified table.
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.createIndexes(Table table, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to create indexes for the specified table.
protected  java.util.List MySqlSQLProducer.createStatement(Table table, java.util.List statements)
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.createStatement(Table table, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to create the specified table.
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.dropConstraint(Table table, Column col, java.lang.String keyname, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to drop foreigns keys for the specified column.
protected  java.util.List PostgreSQLProducer.dropStatement(Table table, java.util.List statements)
protected  java.util.List OracleSQLProducer.dropStatement(Table table, java.util.List statements)
protected  java.util.List GenericSQLProducer.dropStatement(Table table, java.util.List statements)
          INTERNAL: Generate the DDL statement(s) to drop the specified table.
protected  java.lang.String GenericSQLProducer.getPrimaryKeyName(Table table)
protected  java.lang.String DB2SQLProducer.getPrimaryKeyName(Table table)
 void Project.removeTable(Table table)
          INTERNAL: Removes the table from the database schema.

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