Interface TopicMapWriterIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
CanonicalTopicMapWriter, CanonicalXTMWriter, JTMTopicMapWriter, LTMTopicMapWriter, RDFTopicMapWriter, TMXMLWriter, XTM21TopicMapWriter, XTM2TopicMapWriter, XTMTopicMapWriter

public interface TopicMapWriterIF

PUBLIC: A topic map writer is used to write/export topic maps in an implementation dependent way to an implicit destination.

See Also:
net.ontopia.core.topicmaps.TopicMapReaderIF, net.ontopia.core.topicmaps.TopicMapImporterIF

Method Summary
 void write(TopicMapIF source_topicmap)
          PUBLIC: Writes the given topic map to an implicit implementation dependent destination.

Method Detail


void write(TopicMapIF source_topicmap)
PUBLIC: Writes the given topic map to an implicit implementation dependent destination. The write method will close any resources opened internally. This means that the write method can only be called once if the stream/writer was opened internally.

source_topicmap - The topic map to be exported/written; an object implementing TopicMapIF
Throws: - Thrown if writing the topic map fails.

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