Interface TopicNameIF

All Superinterfaces:
ReifiableIF, ScopedIF, TMObjectIF, TypedIF
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReadOnlyTopicName, SnapshotTopicName, TopicName, TopicName

public interface TopicNameIF
extends ScopedIF, TypedIF, ReifiableIF

PUBLIC: Implemented by an object which represents a topic name, which is a topic characteristic.

This interface is also used for 'variant' elements in the XTM 1.0 syntax, when extended by the VariantNameIF interface.

Method Summary
 TopicIF getTopic()
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic to which this topic name belongs.
 java.lang.String getValue()
          PUBLIC: Gets the value of this topic name.
 java.util.Collection<VariantNameIF> getVariants()
          PUBLIC: Gets the variant names of the topic named by this topic name.
 void setValue(java.lang.String name)
          PUBLIC: Sets the value of this topic name.
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.ScopedIF
addTheme, getScope, removeTheme
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TypedIF
getType, setType
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.ReifiableIF
getReifier, setReifier
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF
addItemIdentifier, getItemIdentifiers, getObjectId, getTopicMap, isReadOnly, remove, removeItemIdentifier

Method Detail


TopicIF getTopic()
PUBLIC: Gets the topic to which this topic name belongs.

The topic named by this topic name; an object implementing TopicIF.


java.lang.String getValue()
PUBLIC: Gets the value of this topic name. This corresponds to the content of the 'baseNameString' element in XTM 1.0, as a string. Where this method is implemented by an object implementing VariantNameIF, the contents of the 'variantName' element are returned instead.

A string which is the value of this topic name.


void setValue(java.lang.String name)
PUBLIC: Sets the value of this topic name. This corresponds to the content of the 'baseNameString' element in XTM 1.0, as a string.

name - A string which is the value of this topic name.


java.util.Collection<VariantNameIF> getVariants()
PUBLIC: Gets the variant names of the topic named by this topic name. These correspond to the 'variant' child elements of the 'baseName' element in XTM 1.0. There is no guarantee as to which order these appear in the collection.

A collection of VariantNameIF objects.

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