Interface ScopedIF

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AssociationIF, OccurrenceIF, TopicNameIF, VariantNameIF
All Known Implementing Classes:
Association, Association, DynamicAssociation, Occurrence, Occurrence, PhantomAssociation, ReadOnlyAssociation, ReadOnlyOccurrence, ReadOnlyTopicName, ReadOnlyVariantName, SnapshotOccurrence, SnapshotTopicName, SnapshotVariantName, TopicName, TopicName, VariantName, VariantName

public interface ScopedIF
extends TMObjectIF

PUBLIC: Implemented by topic map objects that have scope. This interface is implemented by AssociationIF, TopicIF, TopicNameIF, VariantNameIF (through inheritance from TopicNameIF), OccurrenceIF and TopicMapIF.

The scope of an object is used to model its validity, effectivity or relevance in a specific context. A scope is a set of topics, and is present on all objects which may have it. Scoping in topic maps is only significant for topic characteristic assignments, and is inherited from parent objects.

Method Summary
 void addTheme(TopicIF theme)
          PUBLIC: Add a topic to this scope.
 java.util.Collection<TopicIF> getScope()
          PUBLIC: Returns the set of topics that are the stated scope of this object.
 void removeTheme(TopicIF theme)
          PUBLIC: Remove a topic from this scope.
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF
addItemIdentifier, getItemIdentifiers, getObjectId, getTopicMap, isReadOnly, remove, removeItemIdentifier

Method Detail


java.util.Collection<TopicIF> getScope()
PUBLIC: Returns the set of topics that are the stated scope of this object. Scoping topics inherited from parent objects are not included. There is no guarantee as to which order these topics are returned in.

A collection of TopicIF objects.


void addTheme(TopicIF theme)
PUBLIC: Add a topic to this scope. (A topic used in a scope is also called a theme.) If the topic is already part of the scope the method call has no effect.

theme - A topic to be added to this scope; an object implementing TopicIF.


void removeTheme(TopicIF theme)
PUBLIC: Remove a topic from this scope. If the topic is not already in the scope this method has no effect. (A topic used in a scope is also called a theme.)

theme - A topic to be removed from this scope; an object implementing TopicIF.

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