Interface OccurrenceIF

All Superinterfaces:
ReifiableIF, ScopedIF, TMObjectIF, TypedIF
All Known Implementing Classes:
Occurrence, Occurrence, ReadOnlyOccurrence, SnapshotOccurrence

public interface OccurrenceIF
extends ScopedIF, TypedIF, ReifiableIF

PUBLIC: Implemented by objects representing occurrences in the topic map model. An occurrence is a relationship between a topic, and an information resource which is relevant to that topic.

NOTE Comments partly revised only.

Method Summary
 LocatorIF getDataType()
          PUBLIC: Gets the data type of this occurrence.
 long getLength()
          PUBLIC: Returns the length of the occurrence value.
 LocatorIF getLocator()
          PUBLIC: Returns a LocatorIF representation of the occurrence value. getReader()
          PUBLIC: Returns a Reader that allows you to stream the string representation of this occurrence.
 TopicIF getTopic()
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic for this occurrence.
 java.lang.String getValue()
          PUBLIC: Gets the string representation of this occurrence.
 void setLocator(LocatorIF locator)
          PUBLIC: Same as setValue(locator.getAddress(), DataTypes.TYPE_URI).
 void setReader( value, long length, LocatorIF datatype)
          PUBLIC: Sets the value and the data type of this occurrence using a reader.
 void setValue(java.lang.String value)
          PUBLIC: Same as setValue(value, DataTypes.TYPE_STRING).
 void setValue(java.lang.String value, LocatorIF datatype)
          PUBLIC: Sets the value and the data type of this occurrence using a string.
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.ScopedIF
addTheme, getScope, removeTheme
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TypedIF
getType, setType
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.ReifiableIF
getReifier, setReifier
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF
addItemIdentifier, getItemIdentifiers, getObjectId, getTopicMap, isReadOnly, remove, removeItemIdentifier

Method Detail


TopicIF getTopic()
PUBLIC: Gets the topic for this occurrence.

The topic to which this occurrence belongs; an object implementing TopicIF.


LocatorIF getDataType()
PUBLIC: Gets the data type of this occurrence.



java.lang.String getValue()
PUBLIC: Gets the string representation of this occurrence. This method will return null if the length of the value exceeds the supported maximum size.

getReader getReader()
PUBLIC: Returns a Reader that allows you to stream the string representation of this occurrence. Values of all sizes are supported by this method.



void setValue(java.lang.String value)
PUBLIC: Same as setValue(value, DataTypes.TYPE_STRING). This method is here primarily for backwards compatibility.


LocatorIF getLocator()
PUBLIC: Returns a LocatorIF representation of the occurrence value. This method will return null if the value is not of type xsd:anyURI (same as DataType.TYPE_URI). This method is here primarily for backwards compatibility.


void setLocator(LocatorIF locator)
PUBLIC: Same as setValue(locator.getAddress(), DataTypes.TYPE_URI). This method is here primarily for backwards compatibility.


void setValue(java.lang.String value,
              LocatorIF datatype)
PUBLIC: Sets the value and the data type of this occurrence using a string. The value must conform to the correct string representation according to the datatype.



void setReader( value,
               long length,
               LocatorIF datatype)
PUBLIC: Sets the value and the data type of this occurrence using a reader. The reader value must conform to the correct string representation according to the datatype.



long getLength()
PUBLIC: Returns the length of the occurrence value. The number of characters in the string representation is returned.


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