Class TopicMap

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic.TMObject
      extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic.TopicMap
All Implemented Interfaces:, ReifiableIF, TMObjectIF, TopicMapIF, EventListenerIF, EventManagerIF

public class TopicMap
extends TMObject
implements TopicMapIF, EventManagerIF

INTERNAL: The basic topic map implementation.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Set<AssociationIF> assocs
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,EventListenerIF[]> listeners
protected  TopicIF reifier
protected  UniqueSet<TopicIF> scope
 UniqueSet<TopicIF> setpool
protected  SubjectIdentityCache sicache
protected  java.util.Set<TopicIF> topics
Fields inherited from class net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic.TMObject
Method Summary
 void addAssociation(AssociationIF _association)
          Adds an association to the set of associations.
 void addListener(EventListenerIF listener, java.lang.String event)
          INTERNAL: Register the listener as a listener for the event.
 void addTopic(TopicIF _topic)
          Adds a topic to the set of topics.
 void clear()
          PUBLIC: Clears the topic map by removing all topics and associations.
protected  void fireEvent(java.lang.String event, java.lang.Object new_value, java.lang.Object old_value)
          INTERNAL: Fires an event, so that listeners can be informed about the event.
 java.util.Collection<AssociationIF> getAssociations()
          PUBLIC: Gets all associations in this topic map.
 TopicMapBuilderIF getBuilder()
          PUBLIC: Gets a topic map builder for use with this transaction.
 java.lang.Object getIndex(java.lang.String name)
          PUBLIC: Gets an index by name.
 TMObjectIF getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given object id, from this topic map.
 TMObjectIF getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given item identifier (given as a LocatorIF object), from this topic map.
 TopicIF getReifier()
          PUBLIC: Returns the topic that reifies this object.
 TopicMapStoreIF getStore()
          PUBLIC: Gets the store to which the topic map's transaction is connected.
 TopicIF getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic that has the specified subject identifier, given as a locator.
 TopicIF getTopicBySubjectLocator(LocatorIF locator)
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic in this topic map that represents the given addressable subject (locator given as a LocatorIF object).
 TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that this object belongs to.
 java.util.Collection<TopicIF> getTopics()
          PUBLIC: Gets all topics in this topic map.
 TopicMapTransactionIF getTransaction()
 void processEvent(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String event, java.lang.Object new_value, java.lang.Object old_value)
          INTERNAL: A method that receives notification when an event has been triggered.
 void remove()
          PUBLIC: Removes the object from its parent.
 void removeAssociation(AssociationIF _association)
          Removes an associations from the set of associations.
 void removeListener(EventListenerIF listener, java.lang.String event)
          INTERNAL: Unregister the listener as a listener for the event.
 void removeTopic(TopicIF _topic)
          Removes a topic from the set of topics.
 void setReifier(TopicIF _reifier)
          PUBLIC: Sets the reifier of this object.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.basic.TMObject
addItemIdentifier, getItemIdentifiers, getObjectId, isConnected, isReadOnly, removeItemIdentifier
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF
addItemIdentifier, getItemIdentifiers, getObjectId, isReadOnly, removeItemIdentifier

Field Detail


public transient UniqueSet<TopicIF> setpool


protected transient SubjectIdentityCache sicache


protected TopicIF reifier


protected UniqueSet<TopicIF> scope


protected java.util.Set<TopicIF> topics


protected java.util.Set<AssociationIF> assocs


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,EventListenerIF[]> listeners
Method Detail


public TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that this object belongs to. If the object has been removed from its topic map or not added to a topic map yet this will be null.

Specified by:
getTopicMap in interface TMObjectIF
getTopicMap in class TMObject
A topic map; an object implementing TopicMapIF.


public TopicMapStoreIF getStore()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets the store to which the topic map's transaction is connected.

Specified by:
getStore in interface TopicMapIF


public TopicMapTransactionIF getTransaction()


public TopicMapBuilderIF getBuilder()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets a topic map builder for use with this transaction.

Specified by:
getBuilder in interface TopicMapIF
An object implementing TopicMapBuilderIF


public java.lang.Object getIndex(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets an index by name. An index is usually named by the IndexIF subinterface that it implements. All indexes are kept up-to-date at all times.

Specified by:
getIndex in interface TopicMapIF
name - A string; the index name, i.e.g the interface that it implements.
An instance implementing the index interface.


public java.util.Collection<TopicIF> getTopics()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets all topics in this topic map. No specific order is guaranteed.

Specified by:
getTopics in interface TopicMapIF
A collection of TopicIF objects.


public void addTopic(TopicIF _topic)
Adds a topic to the set of topics.


public void removeTopic(TopicIF _topic)
Removes a topic from the set of topics.


public java.util.Collection<AssociationIF> getAssociations()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets all associations in this topic map. No specific order is guaranteed.

Specified by:
getAssociations in interface TopicMapIF
A collection of AssociationIF objects.


public void addAssociation(AssociationIF _association)
Adds an association to the set of associations.


public void removeAssociation(AssociationIF _association)
Removes an associations from the set of associations.


public void remove()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Removes the object from its parent.

Specified by:
remove in interface TMObjectIF


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Clears the topic map by removing all topics and associations.

Specified by:
clear in interface TopicMapIF


public TMObjectIF getObjectById(java.lang.String object_id)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given object id, from this topic map. If there is no object with that object id in this topic map, then null is returned.

Specified by:
getObjectById in interface TopicMapIF
object_id - A string; the object id of the object to get.
A topic map object; an object implementing TMObjectIF.


public TMObjectIF getObjectByItemIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic map object that has the given item identifier (given as a LocatorIF object), from this topic map. If there is no object with the given locator in this topic map, null is returned.

Specified by:
getObjectByItemIdentifier in interface TopicMapIF
locator - The given locator; an object implementing LocatorIF.
A topic map object; an object implementing TMObjectIF.


public TopicIF getTopicBySubjectLocator(LocatorIF locator)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic in this topic map that represents the given addressable subject (locator given as a LocatorIF object). If there is no topic that represents the given addressable subject in this topic map, null is returned.

Specified by:
getTopicBySubjectLocator in interface TopicMapIF
locator - The given locator; an object implementing LocatorIF.
A topic; an object implementing TopicIF.


public TopicIF getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(LocatorIF locator)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic that has the specified subject identifier, given as a locator. If there is no topic that has that subject identifier in this topic map, null is returned.

Specified by:
getTopicBySubjectIdentifier in interface TopicMapIF
locator - The given locator; an object implementing LocatorIF.
A topic; an object implementing TopicIF.


public TopicIF getReifier()
Description copied from interface: ReifiableIF
PUBLIC: Returns the topic that reifies this object.

Specified by:
getReifier in interface ReifiableIF


public void setReifier(TopicIF _reifier)
Description copied from interface: ReifiableIF
PUBLIC: Sets the reifier of this object.

Specified by:
setReifier in interface ReifiableIF


protected void fireEvent(java.lang.String event,
                         java.lang.Object new_value,
                         java.lang.Object old_value)
Description copied from class: TMObject
INTERNAL: Fires an event, so that listeners can be informed about the event. This method is typically called when the object id modified.

fireEvent in class TMObject


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void addListener(EventListenerIF listener,
                        java.lang.String event)
Description copied from interface: EventManagerIF
INTERNAL: Register the listener as a listener for the event.

Specified by:
addListener in interface EventManagerIF


public void removeListener(EventListenerIF listener,
                           java.lang.String event)
Description copied from interface: EventManagerIF
INTERNAL: Unregister the listener as a listener for the event.

Specified by:
removeListener in interface EventManagerIF


public void processEvent(java.lang.Object object,
                         java.lang.String event,
                         java.lang.Object new_value,
                         java.lang.Object old_value)
Description copied from interface: EventListenerIF
INTERNAL: A method that receives notification when an event has been triggered.

Specified by:
processEvent in interface EventListenerIF

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