Class Summary | |
Association | INTERNAL: The rdbms association implementation. |
AssociationRole | INTERNAL: The rdbms association role implementation. |
DataTypeLocator | INTERNAL: |
LocatorLookup | INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index. |
Occurrence | INTERNAL: The rdbms occurrence implementation. |
ParameterArray | INTERNAL: Object wrapper class for query parameter array. |
QueryLookup | INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index. |
RDBMSLocator | INTERNAL: An abstract locator implementation used for representing locators within the rdbms implementation. |
RDBMSPatternSingleTopicMapSource | PUBLIC: A topic map source that refers to single reference that is located by pattern. |
RDBMSSingleTopicMapSource | PUBLIC: A topic map source that holds a reference to a single rdbms topic map. |
RDBMSStoreFactory | PUBLIC: The RDBMS TopicMapStoreFactoryIF implementation. |
RDBMSTopicMapReader | INTERNAL: Topic map reader that reads topic maps from the RDBMS backend connector. |
RDBMSTopicMapReference | INTERNAL: RDBMS database topic map reference. |
RDBMSTopicMapSource | PUBLIC: A topic map source that holds the list of all topic map references accessible by a rdbms session. |
RDBMSTopicMapStore | PUBLIC: The rdbms topic map store implementation. |
RDBMSTopicMapTransaction | INTERNAL: The rdbms topic map transaction implementation. |
ReadOnlyAssociation | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms association implementation. |
ReadOnlyAssociationRole | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms association role implementation. |
ReadOnlyOccurrence | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms occurrence implementation. |
ReadOnlyTMObject | INTERNAL: |
ReadOnlyTopic | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic implementation. |
ReadOnlyTopicMap | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic map implementation. |
ReadOnlyTopicName | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms topic name implementation. |
ReadOnlyVariantName | INTERNAL: The read-only rdbms variant name implementation. |
RoleTypeAssocTypeCache | INTERNAL: |
RoleTypeCache | INTERNAL: |
SharedLocatorLookup | INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index. |
SharedQueryLookup | INTERNAL: Non-shared locator lookup index. |
SourceLocator | INTERNAL: A locator class used for representing topic map object source locators. |
Stats | INTERNAL: An internal utility class that generates statistics based on the data that exists in the topic map. |
SubjectIdentityCache | INTERNAL: |
SubjectIndicatorLocator | INTERNAL: |
SubjectLocator | INTERNAL: |
TMObject | INTERNAL: |
Topic | INTERNAL: The rdbms topic implementation. |
TopicEvents | INTERNAL: Internal event listener class that handles topic events. |
TopicMap | INTERNAL: The rdbms topic map implementation. |
TopicMapBuilder | INTERNAL: The default topic map builder implementation. |
TopicName | INTERNAL: The rdbms topic name implementation. |
Utils | INTERNAL: An internal utility class that contains various utility operations on the topic map implementation from this package. |
VariantName | INTERNAL: The rdbms variant name implementation. |
Relational database implementation of the core topic map interfaces.