Class TMObject

  extended by net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractRWPersistent
      extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.rdbms.TMObject
All Implemented Interfaces:
PersistentIF, TMObjectIF
Direct Known Subclasses:
Association, AssociationRole, Occurrence, Topic, TopicMap, TopicName, VariantName

public abstract class TMObject
extends AbstractRWPersistent
implements TMObjectIF


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractRWPersistent
id, MASKS, txn, values
Constructor Summary
TMObject(TransactionIF txn)
Method Summary
 void addItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
          PUBLIC: Adds the given item identifier to the set of item item identifiers for this object.
protected  void fireEvent(java.lang.String event, java.lang.Object new_value, java.lang.Object old_value)
          INTERNAL: Fires an event, so that listeners can be informed about the event.
abstract  java.lang.String getClassIndicator()
          INTERNAL: Returns the token that can be used to indicate the class of this instance.
 java.util.Collection<LocatorIF> getItemIdentifiers()
          PUBLIC: Gets the item identifiers of this object.
abstract  java.lang.String getObjectId()
          PUBLIC: Gets the id of this object.
 TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that this object belongs to.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if this object is read-only, otherwise false.
 void removeItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
          PUBLIC: Removes the given item identifier from the set of item identifiers.
protected  void transactionChanged(TopicMap topicmap)
          INTERNAL: Called when the transaction to which the object belongs has changed.
Methods inherited from class net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.AbstractRWPersistent
_p_getIdentity, _p_getTransaction, _p_getType, _p_setIdentity, _p_setTransaction, _p_toString, clearAll, detach, detachCollectionField, detachField, executeQuery, getValue, isDeleted, isDirty, isDirty, isDirtyFlushed, isDirtyFlushed, isInDatabase, isLoaded, isNewObject, isPersistent, isTransient, loadCollectionField, loadField, loadFieldNoCheck, loadValue, nextDirty, nextDirty, nextDirtyFlushed, nextDirtyFlushed, setDeleted, setDirty, setDirtyFlushed, setInDatabase, setNewObject, setPersistent, setValue, unsetValue, valueAdded, valueChanged, valueRemoved
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TMObjectIF
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.persistence.proxy.PersistentIF

Constructor Detail


public TMObject()


public TMObject(TransactionIF txn)
Method Detail


public abstract java.lang.String getClassIndicator()
INTERNAL: Returns the token that can be used to indicate the class of this instance. This indicator is currently only used by source locators.


protected void transactionChanged(TopicMap topicmap)
INTERNAL: Called when the transaction to which the object belongs has changed.


public abstract java.lang.String getObjectId()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Gets the id of this object. The object id is part of the topic map id space, and must be unique. The object id is not significant (or unique) outside the current topic map. The object id is immutable. The object id is thus stable through this object's lifetime.

Specified by:
getObjectId in interface TMObjectIF
string which is this object's id.


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Returns true if this object is read-only, otherwise false.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface TMObjectIF
read-only (true) or not read-only (false).


public TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that this object belongs to. If the object has been removed from its topic map or not added to a topic map yet this will be null.

Specified by:
getTopicMap in interface TMObjectIF
A topic map; an object implementing TopicMapIF.


public java.util.Collection<LocatorIF> getItemIdentifiers()
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Gets the item identifiers of this object. These locators are pointers back to the locations from where this object originated.

The purpose is to enable the engine to detect when references to external objects refer to objects that are already present within the system, such as topic maps which are already loaded.

Specified by:
getItemIdentifiers in interface TMObjectIF
A collection of LocatorIF objects addressing the item.


public void addItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
                       throws ConstraintViolationException
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Adds the given item identifier to the set of item item identifiers for this object.

Specified by:
addItemIdentifier in interface TMObjectIF
source_locator - The item identifier to be added; an object implementing LocatorIF.
ConstraintViolationException - Thrown if another object in the same topic map already has the given item identifier.


public void removeItemIdentifier(LocatorIF source_locator)
Description copied from interface: TMObjectIF
PUBLIC: Removes the given item identifier from the set of item identifiers. If this object does not have the given item identifier the call has no effect.

Specified by:
removeItemIdentifier in interface TMObjectIF
source_locator - The item identifier to be removed; an object implementing LocatorIF.


protected void fireEvent(java.lang.String event,
                         java.lang.Object new_value,
                         java.lang.Object old_value)
INTERNAL: Fires an event, so that listeners can be informed about the event. This method is typically called when the object is modified.

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