Interface Summary | |
AbstractAttachManager.AttachHandlerIF | INTERNAL: Interface that manages attaching new objects to the object model. |
AbstractAttachManager.DetachHandlerIF | INTERNAL: Interface that manages detaching new objects to the object model. |
EncodingSnifferIF | INTERNAL: An object which can guess the encoding of an input stream by peeking into its contents. |
EventListenerIF | INTERNAL: An event listener interface. |
EventManagerIF | INTERNAL: An event manager listener interface. |
IndexManagerIF | Deprecated. Use the TopicMapIF.getIndex(String) method instead. |
TMRevitalizableIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by objects able to revitalize themselves with another topic map transaction. |
TMRevitalizerIF | INTERNAL: Interface implemented by a class that is able to revitalize objects. |
TopicMapTransactionIF | Deprecated. All the useful methods have been moved to TopicMapStoreIF and TopicMapIF. |
TransactionEventListenerIF |
Class Summary | |
AbstractAttachManager | INTERNAL: A class that configures event listeners for an object tree manager object and figures out which objects have been detached from the object model. |
AbstractIndex | INTERNAL: An abstract index class. |
AbstractIndexManager | |
AbstractSubjectIdentityCache | INTERNAL: Class that maintains indexes for use with the TopicMapIF locator lookup methods. |
AbstractTopicMapReader | INTERNAL: Common abstract superclass for topic map readers. |
AbstractTopicMapStore | INTERNAL: An abstract TopicMapStoreIF implementation. |
AbstractTopicMapTransaction | INTERNAL: An abstract TopicMapTransactionIF implementation. |
Argument | INTERNAL: Represents one argument in the signature checked by ArgumentValidator. |
ArgumentValidator | INTERNAL: Instances of this class represent a signature of some predicate/function/object that takes a positional list of arguments and can validate whether a given list of arguments are valid according to the signature. |
AttachManager | INTERNAL: A class that configures event listeners for an object tree manager object and figures out which objects have been detached from the object model. |
BasicIndex | INTERNAL: An abstract dynamic index superclass. |
DeletionUtils | INTERNAL: Topic map object deletion utilities. |
FulltextIndexManager | INTERNAL: The indexer manager will keep track of base names, variants and occurrences that are changed in the topic map. |
LocatorInterningTable | INTERNAL: This class keeps an interning table of LocatorIF objects, allowing implementations to get rid of duplicate locators to save memory. |
ObjectStrings | INTERNAL: Collection of toString implementations for the various topic map object implementations. |
ObjectTreeManager | INTERNAL: Event manager that fires object added and removed events for children of added or removed objects. |
PhantomAssociation | INTERNAL: Class that represents the association object which a deleted role might have belonged to. |
ReificationUtils | INTERNAL: Topic map object deletion utilities. |
SnapshotOccurrence | INTERNAL: |
SnapshotTMObject | INTERNAL: |
SnapshotTopic | INTERNAL: |
SnapshotTopicName | INTERNAL: |
SnapshotVariantName | INTERNAL: |
StatisticsIndex<K,V> | INTERNAL: A lookup index that transforms its entry values to and from SoftReferences. |
StorePoolableObjectFactory | INTERNAL: A commons-pool PoolableObjectFactory that uses a TopicMapStoreFactoryIF to create TopicMapStoreIF objects. |
TMRevitalizer | INTERNAL: Default implementation of the TMRevitalizerIF interface. |
TopicModificationManager | INTERNAL: Event manager that fires TopicIF.modified events. |
Exception Summary | |
PhantomAccessException | INTERNAL: Thrown when a phantom object is being accessed in a way that is not allowed. |
INTERNAL: Classes that are used by many implementations.