Class AbstractTopicMapStore

  extended by net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils.AbstractTopicMapStore
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InMemoryTopicMapStore, RDBMSTopicMapStore

public abstract class AbstractTopicMapStore
extends java.lang.Object
implements TopicMapStoreIF

INTERNAL: An abstract TopicMapStoreIF implementation.

Field Summary
protected  LocatorIF base_address
protected  boolean closed
protected  boolean deleted
protected  boolean open
protected  boolean readonly
protected  boolean readonlySet
protected  TopicMapReferenceIF reference
 TopicMapListenerIF[] topic_listeners
Fields inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicMapStoreIF
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void abort()
          PUBLIC: Aborts and deactivates the top-level transaction; all changes made inside the root transaction are lost.
abstract  void close(boolean returnToPool)
 void commit()
          PUBLIC: Commits and deactivates the top-level transaction.
 void delete(boolean force)
          PUBLIC: Deletes the TopicMapIF from the data store.
 LocatorIF getBaseAddress()
          PUBLIC: Gets a locator of the topic map in the store.
abstract  EventManagerIF getEventManager()
 TopicMapReferenceIF getReference()
          INTERNAL: Returns a topic map reference for this store.
 TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
          PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that is accessible through the root transaction of the store.
abstract  TopicMapTransactionIF getTransaction()
 boolean isOpen()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if the store is open (because opening a transactional store starts a transaction, "true" also means a transaction is in progress).
 boolean isReadOnly()
          PUBLIC: Returns true if the store is usable for read-only purposes only.
 void open()
          PUBLIC: Opens the store, and starts a new transaction on a transactional store.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readonly)
 void setReference(TopicMapReferenceIF reference)
          INTERNAL: Sets the topic map reference for this store.
 void setTopicListeners(TopicMapListenerIF[] listeners)
 boolean validate()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicMapStoreIF
close, getImplementation, getProperty, isTransactional, setBaseAddress

Field Detail


protected LocatorIF base_address


protected boolean open


protected boolean closed


protected boolean deleted


protected boolean readonly


protected boolean readonlySet


protected TopicMapReferenceIF reference


public TopicMapListenerIF[] topic_listeners
Constructor Detail


public AbstractTopicMapStore()
Method Detail


public boolean isOpen()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Returns true if the store is open (because opening a transactional store starts a transaction, "true" also means a transaction is in progress).

Specified by:
isOpen in interface TopicMapStoreIF
Boolean: true if open, false if not open (either not yet opened, or closed).


public void open()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Opens the store, and starts a new transaction on a transactional store.

Specified by:
open in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public abstract TopicMapTransactionIF getTransaction()


public TopicMapIF getTopicMap()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Gets the topic map that is accessible through the root transaction of the store.

Specified by:
getTopicMap in interface TopicMapStoreIF
The topic map in the root transaction; an object implementing TopicMapIF. This method is a shorthand for getTransaction().getTopicMap(). If the store is not open when this method is called it will be opened automatically.


public LocatorIF getBaseAddress()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Gets a locator of the topic map in the store. This can be used as a locator for the topic map as a whole. The locator can be resolved to a store that holds the topic map.

Specified by:
getBaseAddress in interface TopicMapStoreIF
A locator to the topic map in the store; an object implementing LocatorIF.


public void commit()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Commits and deactivates the top-level transaction. This method is a shorthand for getTransaction().commit().

Specified by:
commit in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public void abort()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Aborts and deactivates the top-level transaction; all changes made inside the root transaction are lost. This method is a shorthand for getTransaction().abort().

Specified by:
abort in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public void delete(boolean force)
            throws NotRemovableException
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Deletes the TopicMapIF from the data store. The store is closed after the topic map has been deleted. A deleted store cannot be reopened.

If the force flag is false and the topic map contains any objects, i.e. topics and associations, a NotRemovableException will be thrown. The topic map will not be modified or closed if this is so.

If the force flag is true, the topic map will be deleted even if it contains any objects.

Note: if you're retrieved the store via a TopicMapReferenceIF then call delete(boolean) on the reference instead.

Specified by:
delete in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
PUBLIC: Returns true if the store is usable for read-only purposes only.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface TopicMapStoreIF
True if the store is a read-only store, otherwise false.


public void setReadOnly(boolean readonly)


public TopicMapReferenceIF getReference()
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
INTERNAL: Returns a topic map reference for this store.

Specified by:
getReference in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public void setReference(TopicMapReferenceIF reference)
Description copied from interface: TopicMapStoreIF
INTERNAL: Sets the topic map reference for this store. Warning: Intended for internal use only.

Specified by:
setReference in interface TopicMapStoreIF


public boolean validate()


public abstract void close(boolean returnToPool)


public void setTopicListeners(TopicMapListenerIF[] listeners)


public abstract EventManagerIF getEventManager()

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