Interface LinkGeneratorIF

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultUniversalLinkGenerator, ModelLinkGenerator, ModelLinkGeneratorWithObjID, ModelLinkGeneratorWithObjID

public interface LinkGeneratorIF

INTERNAL: interface for classes which implement generating URI links. Used by the link tag.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LINK_ID_KEY
          INTERNAL: Constant String value representing the name of a template variable being replaced with the object id.
static java.lang.String LINK_TOPICMAP_KEY
          INTERNAL: Constant String value representing the name of a template variable being replaced with the topicmap id.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String generate(ContextTag contextTag, TMObjectIF tmObj, java.lang.String topicmapId, java.lang.String template)
          INTERNAL: create a String which contains link information for a Topic Map Object.
 java.lang.String generate(ContextTag contextTag, TopicMapReferenceIF tmRefObj, java.lang.String template)
          INTERNAL: create a String which contains link information to a Topicmap retrieved with the help of an TopicMapReferenceIF object.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String LINK_ID_KEY
INTERNAL: Constant String value representing the name of a template variable being replaced with the object id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String LINK_TOPICMAP_KEY
INTERNAL: Constant String value representing the name of a template variable being replaced with the topicmap id.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String generate(ContextTag contextTag,
                          TMObjectIF tmObj,
                          java.lang.String topicmapId,
                          java.lang.String template)
                          throws NavigatorRuntimeException
INTERNAL: create a String which contains link information for a Topic Map Object.

Note: This String gets converted to an URL encoded format by the link tag automatically afterwards.

contextTag - A ContextTag object providing access to all important information to the application.
tmObj - An Object implementing TMObjectIF to which the link should direct.
topicmapId - The id that the topic map has in the registry.
template - A template string which may contain template variable(s) which are replaced.


java.lang.String generate(ContextTag contextTag,
                          TopicMapReferenceIF tmRefObj,
                          java.lang.String template)
                          throws NavigatorRuntimeException
INTERNAL: create a String which contains link information to a Topicmap retrieved with the help of an TopicMapReferenceIF object.

Note: This String gets converted to an URL encoded format by the link tag automatically afterwards.

contextTag - A ContextTag object providing access to all important information to the application.
tmRefObj - An Object implementing TopicMapReferenceIF to which beloning Topic Map the link should direct.
template - A template string which may contain template variable(s) which are replaced.

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