Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.core

Provides interfaces for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework.


Interface Summary
ContextManagerIF INTERNAL: Interface which have to be implemented by classes managing the context of a complete sub-hierarchy.
FunctionIF INTERNAL: Implemented by an object which represents a executable function within the navigator framework.
LinkGeneratorIF INTERNAL: interface for classes which implement generating URI links.
ModelIF INTERNAL: An interface representing a model.
ModuleIF INTERNAL: Implemented by an object which represents a module.
ModuleReaderIF INTERNAL: Class that reads a module from an input stream and builds for each function a JSPTree from it.
NavigatorApplicationIF INTERNAL: Implemented by an object which stores all information and also all handles to configuration holders needed by the navigator web application.
NavigatorConfigurationIF INTERNAL: Implemented by an object which stores configuration information needed by the navigator.
NavigatorDeciderIF INTERNAL: interface for classes which implement some calculation on an object an come to a binary decision.
NavigatorPageIF INTERNAL: Interface which should be implemented by root-ish tags handling the outermost lexical scope in which all further computation happens.
OutputProducingTagIF INTERNAL: Implemented by a tag which produces output from an input collection somehow.
ScopeSupportIF INTERNAL: Interface which defines basic properties (like constants) needed by classes that implement scope access.
SkinIF INTERNAL: An interface representing a skin.
UserIF INTERNAL: interface for classes which implement user data management usually stored in the session.
ValueAcceptingTagIF INTERNAL: Implemented by tags which accept values through some means (for example from value producing and/or manipulating tags).
ValueProducingTagIF INTERNAL: Implemented by tags whose functionality is such that they process a single input collection to produce their output value.
ViewIF INTERNAL: An interface representing a view.

Exception Summary
NavigatorCompileException INTERNAL: Exception for a problem occurring when using the Navigator Tag Library.
NavigatorRuntimeException INTERNAL: Exception for a problem occurring when using the Navigator Tag Library.
NavigatorTagException INTERNAL: base class for a generic problem occurring when using the Navigator Tag Library.
NavigatorUserException INTERNAL: Exception for a problem occurring when using the Navigator Tag Library.
NonexistentObjectException INTERNAL: This exception is thrown when the navigator framework is passed a topic map object ID that does not belong to any actual topic map object.
VariableNotSetException INTERNAL: Exception for a problem occurring when using the Navigator Tag Library.

Package net.ontopia.topicmaps.nav2.core Description

Provides interfaces for the Navigator Tag Libraries and Framework.

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